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Everything posted by Cheesejawa

  1. Im heading up to Dunedin soon. Can any one recomend any good fish shops that sell plants as well?
  2. dam y does it not let me draw it?
  3. have u seen that tank that looks like this?_ ........... _ \ \______/ / \_______/ It was on there for aleast 6 months maybe more
  4. ok maybe not oscars, but I have heard of them being used as dither fish in convict tanks.
  5. danios are so fast they could survive oscars even
  6. theres one on trademe. And no it is not a bristle nose. Ive also heard of dwarf clown plecos. YAY 1 star :bounce: :bounce: 8) 8)
  7. neons seem to be everyones favourite food dont they
  8. just a question, but what do mozzie larvae and daphnia look like? Im going to try and catch some of them next time. And could you catch some and farm them?
  9. thats bad, will they breed (i think maybe one got swallowed by the head and tail light but got spat out again) They will not harm the fish in anyway will they?
  10. but will any surviving boatmen be fine?
  11. I feed a few to my fish tonight. Tasty treat for the big greedy head tail light tetra. And I have no fry or eggs in the tank so if any survived they hopefully wont do any damage and should die off? oh and what do greeblies look like?
  12. the pond that they come from is resonably dirty with algae but is not polluted. Its funny that when I was up there the water was as warm as my tank, but in winter it freezes over enough to walk and jump on
  13. Today I went and caught some small critters from the local pond. I caught 3 pond snails and lots of little bug things with wing kinda things for swiming. I was wondering if they are safe to feed to my fish. All I know about pond critters is that dragonfly larvae are dangerous to fish so I tryed to keep away from them ( I guessing they are the ones that look like little dragon flys). Here some pics if they help. Could some one help me identify what they are?
  14. Cheesejawa


    americans seem to react much worse it seems. ON badmans when the same topic was posted they go all angry and make comparrisons to keeping people in cupboards.
  15. Cheesejawa


    this going to turn into one of those posts where everyone complains about how cruel some people are to bettas isnt it
  16. Cheesejawa


    must also be for sale in france, judging by the french on the box
  17. Cheesejawa


    i know why anyone would think its not cruel to keep siamese fighters in tiny tanks. Aparently they natuarly live in puddles and cow hoove prints filled with water according to those people. :evil:
  18. Cheesejawa


    HOW IS THAT FISH MEANT TO TURN AROUND!!!!!????? Its sooooooooooo cruel :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
  19. u can use play sand but I dont know about builders sand
  20. clowns loaches are about $20 each. Thats reletivly cheap
  21. could be just algae. Beacause you have white gravel it would show up very easly
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