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Everything posted by tinytawnykitten

  1. LOLOLOL!!!!! :sml1: Ira you might be a grumpy ol' codger but you make me laugh.
  2. I confess I don't actually know who he is but I have noticed that a lot of people on this forum like him so I thought I would mention that he is being interviewed on National Radio around now (after the 7pm news)
  3. Hi Stella, Minty is good thanks She had a bout of flu and a gunky eye but is coming right now after some antibiotics. She is very clingy and snuggly and follows me everywhere and sleeps on our bed at night. Post some photos of your little cat won't you. Minty is 6 months old so not exactly kitten. I didn't want a tiny wee kitten that could so easily be hurt by one of my children, but also I wanted a cat I could let outside fairly early on. She hasn't been outside yet, but now she's had her third vaccination and gotten over her flu we will let her out in a fortnight.
  4. I am no expert on, well anything really, but I recently changed my african tank's substrate over to black silica and it looks fantastic. The electric yellows and demasoni really stand out, as do my GBAs.
  5. Well done!!!! Go Foxy Morons! I know who to call when I'm at a quiz and need to 'phone a friend'!
  6. Yeah it wasn't so much the time they took - although I was so worried my husband would pass out and I wouldn't be able to stop him from hitting his head on the footpath - it was her attitude towards me which really surprised me. I have medical insurance so am not too fussed if they bill me anyway.
  7. He's ok now. Been poked and prodded and ultra-sounded and they think it is just an infection. The ambo also said to me, 'you don't get through A&E any quicker just cos you arrive in an ambulance'. I feel really annoyed about this experience. Do you think I should make a complaint of some sort?
  8. Yesterday I called 111 for my husband who was in so much sudden, prolonged abdominal pain, he couldn't stand & nearly passed out. I was 1.2km from Wgtn Free Ambulance. They took 23 minutes to arrive & then one of the ambos quizzed me about why I didn't think to take him to the GP. Is that normal? I have never called an ambulance before so I genuinely don't know.
  9. I'd love to have got a siamese. This is my two wee girls I used to have. They were born in 2000 and both have already passed from cancer. And both my Mum's have died from cancer too.
  10. Well I have read this thread over and over and decided to start with this and work my way up to a dog! Meet Minty :-)
  11. Gotta think really hard about this. We have planned to get a dog for a really long time (over 5 years) and spent $15,000 getting our property fully fenced and retained (for children, but also for a dog) and always planned to once the children were no longer wee babies. I am liking the idea of a beagle more and more from what I have read.
  12. Yes but surely you should at least spell 'mispronunciation' correctly. :happy2:
  13. Yeah that was the first thing I noticed about that video! I managed to get all the way through too, thank goodness, as I had no idea what day it was yesterday, and as for tomorrow...
  14. I'll be driving up to Auckland in a couple of months so if there is anything you would like brought up from anyone down this end of the island, I'm happy to.
  15. Ryan that is such awful news. So sorry. I have some of your yellow and dems but they are only wee babes at the moment. You're welcome to some though. Also got some of your cobalts.
  16. Funny you should say Beagle, a lot of the dog selector things on the internet always seem to come back to beagle!
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