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Everything posted by tinytawnykitten

  1. Thanks for all the great ideas! We went up to Matakana today and that was nice. I thought it was like a combination of Martinborough and Provincetown on Cape Cod.
  2. Yeah yeah. Already got Kelly Tarlton's on the list for sure, and def keen to see gannets. HATE shopping malls I'm afraid. Plan to do a day trip to Matakana. This trip to Auckland is in lieu of our glorious holiday in the Coromandel we had booked. I don't want to be so far from medical help if the wee man gets another infection. We are already booked for Coromandel for JAn 2011! I reckon he'll have grown out of it by then. What else to do in Aucks?
  3. Anyone know where in Te Atatu the West's house is on Outrageous Fortune? I know it's corny but we are going on holiday to Auckland soon and I would love to just drive by.
  4. I have a space for an under 2 or an over 2 if you need some daycare. Porse home educator. PM me if you're interested
  5. Oh no oO SKIPPY Oo that really sucks! Did you have an alarm? Where in Wellington do you live? I imagine it must feel kind of yucky knowing someone has been in your house.
  6. HI, sorry I didn't mean to make this thread all about Luca! We are home now, as of midday. l It was a really nice day actually, first time Christmas has been low key with just my husband and the children. Luca is much better, has finished his IV antibiotics and sent home on oral ones. They aren't really sure what the infection was but thankfully ruled out meningitis and leukaemia just to be safe. Whew. The children's ward was a sea of sparkling fairy lights and there was a big sack of gifts for him waiting next to his cot when we woke in the morning - really generous, from various companies, banks, charities, etc. I can imagine it would be very hard for a family with a really sick child though.
  7. Just on here to whinge now. Not having Christmas any more My little baby Luca who is 4 months old has an infection and it will be a children's ward Christmas. Sigh. On a positive note it does mean we can avoid all the family crap which sometimes comes with Christmas, and I get to just spend Christmas with my husband and two beautiful boys. And some medical professionals! Hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas
  8. Thanks for all the suggestions. Will look into it after Christmas!
  9. My 4ft has an aquaone double tube 4ft light and a 3ft light. Both are t8 (they're the standard size biggish ones right?). The lighting is so unspectacular. In the absence of enough money to buy metal halide, would t5 be better? In particular, this one.
  10. Ok you are on a whole new level to the rest of us.
  11. You choose a beach cos of the cool driftwood rather than white sand and warm water.
  12. I have all 4 seasons of Dexter if anyone wants an erm cough cough back up. Just to be safe. In case my house burns down. Am happy to swap for a back up of Nero 9, in case your house burns down, just to be safe.
  13. I had silica sand in my last cichlid tank and it looked great. It was very fine and it's impossible to clean the same way you would clean gravel, but it can be done. Here is a great video showing you how... http://www.cichlid-forum.com/videos/cleaning_sand.php Every few water changes, before I changed the water, I stirred up the sand by hand to remove gunk that had worked its way under the sand.
  14. have you not seen it? It is not a soap!!!
  15. Definitely. I almost cried but I was too shocked to I think!
  16. My friend has them about every 6 months or so for pain in her tail bone. I don't think she finds them a big deal and they definitely work for her. I could ask her if she would mind you emailing her if you like.
  17. Anyone seen the 4th season final. Whoa. Just had to come on here and see if anyone else's heart is racing like mine
  18. Mine is the name of my favourite book when I was a little girl. The Tiny, Tawny Kitten.
  19. Well now I REALLY have to get a macro lens so I can beat all your rubbish photos
  20. Does anyone have any experience with this sort of lens? I am thinking of asking Santa to Buy Now... http://www.trademe.co.nz/Electronics-ph ... 066691.htm
  21. Oooh ooh I was so excited I had to share. I already got my Christmas wish! My wee baby slept from 9pm to 6.30am last night! I don't expect it to happen again any time soon but it was fantastic!
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