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Everything posted by tinytawnykitten

  1. Yeah we do. Ain't no choice! My power bill has gone up from $180 a month in 1999 to $396 a month.
  2. I budget for $1000 a fortnight for food/medical/petrol for my family (me, husband, a 7 year old and a 2 year old) and it is increasingly not enough. Today we have $14 left and pay day is on Wednesday. Petrol and groceries have gone up SOOOOOO much in the last two years it is scary.
  3. Haha I have the same problem! http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=54131
  4. France Kidneys or Liver (to eat)
  5. My car has a touchscreen for the radio/clock/aircon and a myriad of other things and I can't understand any more than how to switch the radio on etc. I desperately need to change the clock. Can anyone help?
  6. I have had very positive comments about my fish. I think a lot of people think that keeping fish is really labour intensive, and it can be but it doesn't have to be. People seem to think when you clean your tank you have to empty the whole tank and scrub it. I have however noticed a definite correlation between people who seriously keep fish, and people who collect medieval memorabilia, dragons, like the colour purple, listen to heavy music, go to jousting tournaments,......
  7. Cover glass clean and K rating all 10000 or more. The tank is quite deep. It is Alex's old one - 60cm deep.
  8. Thanks for that. I only have the tank lights on from about midday until about 7pm and it gets quite a bit of natural light anyway. I'll look at buying the T5 one then and see how that goes. Does that look like a good price?
  9. I have a 4ft cichlid tank and as I have mentioned on here before, my lighting is very depressing. I have one of these and one of these, both with relatively new bulbs, but the lighting is very drab. Would either of these make a big difference to my tank? this one or the 120cm version of this one?
  10. THere were some great golden books and you can still buy heaps of them on Trade Me. My favs as a child were Scuffy the Tug Boat Little Toot The Tiny, Tawny Kitten (hence my user name!) The Winnie-the-Pooh books A Lion In The Meadow there are so many... I have two small children and their favourites now are the above, plus the Hairy McCleary books, Maisy books for the wee one, and the all time fav ever, Goodnight Moon, which you simply must have. If you're buying new buy from The Book Depository, it'll always be waaaay cheaper and they ship free to NZ. Mind you, they've just been bought by Amazon so that gig might be up soon.
  11. Muppet! Sesame Street or Electric Company (or am I showing my age!)
  12. The Fonz (only cos he had a great role in Arrested Development). Dexter or CSI?
  13. I will check my parameters as soon as I can. A friend has my test kit so I will get it back this weekend.
  14. Last night I fed my grow out tank some flake and I don't know whether I overfed or what but this morning the water was super cloudy and all but 4 fish were dead. I lost 8 electric yellows, 12 demasoni, 4 julies, 4 dolphins and 4 lumpheads. Gutted :-( All these were fish I got from Mel a while ago. Does anyone have any fry of these fish for sale?
  15. I was out and about today and spotted this little hedgehog snuffling about the Ohariu Valley Golf Club so I jumped the fence and took a few photos before and after he rolled into a ball . This is my favourite...
  16. As far as I know you can get it at my local New World. My husband goes down to Chc regularly for work so happy to bring you some next Wed if you want some.
  17. Simpsons Shortland Street is on every night in Ireland. When I lived there I was so embarrassed of it! rent or download?
  18. Thanks for your advice. I will take her to the vet tomorrow and not do anything until then. THanks :-)
  19. About 2 months ago we got a 6 month old kitten, Minty, from the Cats' Protection League and she has been plagued with health problems. She has had 3 lots of antibiotics because of an eye infection and a chest infection and has been a very coughy and sneezy cat. She seems to finally be at the end of it and today we were going to let her outside for the first time, but now have noticed she is holding her head funny. I think she has something wrong with her ear. She is keeping one of her ears flatish, and she is ok to be stroked and have her head stroked but if you touch her ear she shakes her head (like a dog drying off). I can't get her to the vet until tomorrow when they reopen. I have a 7 day course of antibiotic paste left. Should I start her on it? Can I give her pamol or something? A friend reckons that all the cats at CPL have FIV and that Minty has too, but she is also the kind of person who tends to say things like that without really knowing.
  20. Moro Gold Swim in lake or swim in sea?
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