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Everything posted by Goldie
waving a cheery hello --------------> hi there Marty. Great to see you on board. What sort of fish/tanks do you have at the moment??
a belated welcome from Mid Canterbury. Wow good tank of fish. Are you planning on more tanks yet????
Great to have you aboard Wokey Your tank sure sounds great and you are probably right about there being enough fish in there. Reading your post I see it has been up and running for 3 weeks now. How is the tank cycle going??? :roll: Are you testing for the PH and Nitrate/nitrites??? Once my tank had cycled there was just no looking back. Look forward to hearing more about your fish and tanks.
Just a thought here Jac. Since you are finding the cutting up of worms, ox heart etc difficult, had you thought of getting the butcher to cut up the ox heart in the desired strips? Then all you would need to do is to just feed with tongs as Eric needs it. Some people are allergic to blood worms and feed their fish using gloves. IMO he will need the ox liver, worms etc to reach his growth potential.
It is so awful when the fish start to die and you do feel so helpless. So glad Wayne is around. Please keep us updated on how it all goes. Thinking of you and may all the hard, consistent work of water changes etc have a positive result.
and did you manage to get the part for your filter after all that
thanks dennis, Pegasus, robbo and northland chic. they are surviving ........ I have counted eleven and that is all I see. The plants and wood sure do help them hide. They love the uplift tubes and filter out put nozzle. Congratulation to you northland chic........ they sure are time wasters .I can hardly stop watching them. So wonderful I did a small water change tonight and they seemed happy with it all. Ahhhhh now if I had tried to breed them I probably would still be waiting. My other tank is being tested for leaks now. It should be up and running in a few weeks. Hubby is putting a cupboard onto the stand for me. I am relying on Caryl and Grant to take pics next time they travel this way and if the fry survive. Thanks C & G
Thanks for the warm support ya'all. <--------bad Texan accent. Will do Caryl - hopefully there will be more than 10 survive. Oh sue they just get raw veges LOL. Wok - yes the first bristlenoses that have breed for me. Chris and NZtrudy I am sure your bristlenoses will in time. My tank is a little on the acidic side (6.6 - 6.8 ) due to the extra wood in there and around 27 - 28 degrees because of the discus in there. I am not even sure that these minor changes have had anything to do with the spawning. Also the water changes were around 4 - 5 days apart. That is the only differences from the other tank ........... oh and the new place of course. (the ceramic log). Sure hope your bristlenoses start producing for the fry are just amazing and so quick . zipping along munching invisible algae.
TY TY .........Big smiles here. awww I thought they would never reproduce....... The males I bought at the Napier Auction a year ago (I think it was) and the females were about the same age (a year or so). I have guessed it is around two - three years ............. I have the feeling that these ones have breed before and the clown loaches had live food in the other tank. Since changing them to this tank (the original leaked) they just settled down and claimed this hollow log ....... three weeks later ............babies. To me the babies are a bonus for I just strive to have happy, healthy fish.
Well, my bristlenosed catfish have been busy and today at least 7 - 12 babies scuttled out of the nest (in a false log where Dad has been keeping them) and quickly hid around the uplift u/g filter and other places like that. I have heavily planted the corners of the tank and weighted the plants with slate to stop the geophagus from up rooting them. This gives the babies more places to hide. They would be 1/4 - 1/2 inch long already and I am thrilled to pieces. A neighbour and I have been watching them for the past hour or two. The only other fish in the tank I would worry about are the clown loaches and hopefully the extra plants and rocks will afford extra hiding places. I am now worrying that there will be enough algae for the babies to feed on. I just had to share the news with ya'all
I like that ............. a lot. Today on the fish shop tour we saw some lovely corner tanks. Fish keeping sure has come a long way.
welcome to the NZ Fishroom glad to see you aboard kuos. As Caryl mentioned we had a day in Ch Ch touring the fish shops and there sure are some nice fish out there. my tank sprung a leak and thus the other two are fully stocked so all I could do was look. How is your tank going??
Wow sounds likes a big move and plse let us know how the fish travelled. Welcome to the fish forum for addicts
9 tanks WOW Welcome to the fish forum
a long time ago, I saw a white eel which my Dad had fished from the creek and that is the only one I have ever heard off. I will too little to know if it was an albino or old or...............
Oh they are ........................HEY keep still guys....................around 4 - 4.5 inches (10 - 11 cm) and growing. Hard to believe they were only 3 -4 cm long when I bought them. Yes the tank is great, today I am enjoying watching all the activity and interaction of the fish. It was blood worm feast today and the discus were feeding from my fingers. I have been doing weekly water changes, however Christ you are so right and I promise to do better for the two latest discus are still growing.
I must be truely addicted for I cannot resist goiing into any fish shop. You just never know.................... However like everyone I have my favourites and Organisms in Christchurch is top of my list closely followed by Redwood Aquatics and many others. Hubby always knows he will find me in the nearest fish shop.
CONGRATULATIONS Sorry I had to look up what sort of fish an oranda was. It is a species of Goldfish is that right???? Another thing I have learned from this forum If so then my fish breeding book says "Once hatched you will need a good supply of infusoria. The fry take four days to be free swimming from hatching. Egg infusion helps - this infusuion is made by boiling an egg for about 10 minutes and then putting the yolk in a fine handkerchief, squeezing the yolk through the handkerchief into the water where the dust-fine particles are greedily eaten by the goldfish fry. Special high protein fry foods are sometimes useful, but there is nothing better than live infusoria. In 10 days the fry will be large enough to take newly hatched brine shrimp. When raising goldfish it is necessary to feed them at least ten times a day at intervals of two hours if possible. Usually setting up a drip feeding mechanism coming from your infusoria culture solves the problem nicely... providing it doesn't get clogged up in the middle of the night. Of course if you feed all night you must maintain a bright light on the aquarium containing the fry. Now this came from a fish breeding book and not personal experience. I am sure other members of this forum will have excellent first hand experience to add. Best of luck in raising the fish.
Join some of us fish ppl tonight in the chat room at 9pm...........ish LOL would love to meet you and their are plenty of chairs. My favourite fish are the discus and their tank companions the tetras. followed by the bristle nose catfish and ............................
Great to see you dive back into the water meggie Fish are amazing for children and when it comes to school projects...........I believe that they have immediate access to an amazing world which can be used as an instant study. Maybe you could get them into growing live worm cultures which of course you can use as live food for the fishes. Hatching the brine shrimp which of course is good for the betta fry Ahhhhhhhh you are not addicted...............just opening a door of a new amazing world. Sorry gotta go the fish need me ROFL.
welcome JackJackJack. I have six clown loaches in my discus tank and I also have a variety of tetras:- neon, black-line, silver-tip & rummy nose. The rummy nose tetras are my favourites and they all get on well. It is a peaceful tank. I also have four bristle-nosed catfish in there as well. It would be 167 litre tank. The clown loaches would be a couple of years old now and are a reasonable size and great to watch - absolutely a schooling fish. I have to drop in snails from the angel tank for they are great snail munchers.
yay WTG (way to go) mothertrout. How exciting.
:lol: :lol: Myst got you there Caryl :lol: :lol:
Great to see you here mothertrout Yeppers we are all fish addicts and the water is fine :) I too have neons and some golden gouramis. Not in the same tank though. The neons are in with my discus
Welcome to you too Eclypse Now a tank along that wall of the lounge would look just great :lol: :lol: