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Everything posted by Goldie

  1. And, in my opinion, that would help explain the trouble you are having. I found that after my tank had cycled and the nitrates/nitrites had 'spiked' and as Ira said come down to 0 the worst of my troubles ceased. Now I just need to be careful not to add too many fish at one time - even after five years of stable tank.
  2. Goldie

    Hi to all

    I must say that it was being a member of the Marlbourough Club that helped me through some of the beginner trials. The bonus' are also many, getting support, involved in tank parades, endless fishy talk & meeting like minded ppl, getting a great magazine bi monthly with all sorts of interesting articles and snippets and and and Caryl n Grant also came down when the Ashburton Fish Nuts got together and we now have a group of local people who met regularly.
  3. That is really really awesome. Wish the floor in my house would support such a tank. That tank would reach from one end of the house to the other............almost LOL. I am so glad you shared the pic with us. WTG Oscar Sheila
  4. Goldie

    new tank

    ignores the bumble bees Ira however was too keen in the neon tetras. Thanks for the suggestions. It was the gouramis I was wondering about??
  5. Goldie

    Hi to all

    Welcome Tracey great to have you in the pool.
  6. Goldie

    new tank

    Just set up a new 3 foot tank to give my geophagus jupari some much needed room and I have bought two golden and one blue gourami to keep him company. They are all getting along peacefully. There is a siamese algae eater (flying fox) and two bumble bee gobies also in this tank. Lots of hiding places, rocks, pottery etc and also some silk plants that will stand the punishment of the jupari. The tank still looks fairly empty and i would appreciate any suggestions of which fish would suit. I am thinking of smaller fish that the jupari and gouramis would ignore. If there is such fish. The tank was set up with seasoned filters and decorations and 75% seasoned water so hopefully will not spike. I am watching for that.
  7. Great looking site and I managed to register however being puter illiterate I could not find your tanks and agree with Aquamanx more topics sure would help me spend some more time there WTG Aqua
  8. I sure am. You recognized my bark huh??? :lol:
  9. I recently have been dropping zucchini into the tank - sliced and weighted with small lead weight that usually anchors new plants. All the fish seemed to like it and the bristlenoses and clowns just were queueing up.
  10. Just added another 3 foot tank in which the geophagus jupari live with three gourami (2 orange and one blue) and the siamese algae eater. Also got two more discus for the discus tank and some neons, rummy nose and black tetras. ....................................... Now to get back to work to pay for it alll sighhhhhhhhh .................................WELL WORTH it though
  11. agree with above re not feeding for the few days you are away. Like dave said the beauty of feeding live daphina is that they do not pollute the tank. Another beauty is that the discus actually have to catch their own breakfast, dinner and tea when feed them
  12. How did the water tests go jiba???? Since it is a new tank it may be that the cycling is still finishing perhaps. The first two test kits I got were the PH and nitrate one followed by the ammonia and nitrite ones. I have never regretted it and still use them even though I have been keeping fish for five years.
  13. Welcome to New Zealand Aquamanx. Great to see you found our little current and look forward to seeing more of you here. Welcome welcome.
  14. :oops: :oops: Pegasus that is sooooooooooooo...........................true sighhhhhhhhh LOL So many fishy forums and so little time. It is just so great sharing and being with ppl that are as addicted to fish as I am.
  15. ooops MGilchrist :oops: :lol: :oops:
  16. I agree with above. Their lives are short and soon you will not have to worry as nature will takes its' course.
  17. :lol: :-? Looks like my tanks are definitely understocked. 167 litre = One pigeon turquiose discus; Four bristlenose catfish; six clown loaches; four neon tetras. 80litre hexagon = two bronze corydoras; one peppered catfish; two adult angels and twenty or so juvenile angel fry. (Caryl just took a dozen or so away). 20 litre (temporary) one geophagus jupari; one siamese algae eater & four bumble-bee cobies.
  18. I use one syphon for my three tanks. - two are freshwater and one is brackish. As John said mainly cost factor. However like Peety and most fish keepers I am aware and worry about infections so keep all the equipment clean and rinsed with anti-septic (masterpet). If any tank showed signs of illness it would be treated and cleaned separately. I am interested in what you all do. :roll:
  19. I have discus too. I have had her for four years now. . Just recently lost her companion Since I am on holiday this week I may travel to Christchurch and see if they have a couple of nice ones which I can add. I so dislike seeing just the one discus. They are much better in schools.
  20. A LITTLE LATE puff puff puff however welcome Sue sure sounds like you have interesting tanks.
  21. ooooooops never mind I just got all the info I needed under the trade me thread of this forum. duhhhhhhhhh I thought you meant the auction site Caryl of Trade Me LOL :oops: :oops: Mornings are not my good time :oops: :oops:
  22. I am smiling quietly here as I type. Charles, Welcome home. We are all more or less slightly obsessed with fish can't you tell. Again what size tank am I looking at to keep Kokopu?? what would be good tank mates for them (how many would I need to have happy fish) and what sort of tank decor would I need to set up?? I will pop over to trade me if I get time..............I have to rush off to work now and usually when I get home I have to sort out the domestic situation etc and then have time and energy just to go to my normal fishy cyber hangouts. Printing the info here would also help anyone else visiting this site.
  23. I have an u/g filter and guess that my plants get nourishment boths ways. I use liquid fertilizer every other water change and when vacumning the gravel I just very very lightly go over the plants thus leaving the natural fertilizer to do it's job. d
  24. In this virtual tank (love the concept) there will be the occassional neon tetra. Seriously Caryl is so right once a small fish is down the others see it as a smorgesboard.
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