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Everything posted by Goldie

  1. :lol: :lol: :lol: @ Shilo. I like the backing on the tanks because it helps give the illusion of depth.
  2. adding my voice to welcome you Myst. Guppies were the first fish I kept and they bred really well. How is it all going for you??
  3. Used to be weekly when I did a water change. However I am now doing water changes much more frequently (2 - 3 times a week) as I have discus growing in the tank. So the filter is being cleaned once every 2 - 4 weeks - stripped down and rinsing all media and sponges. Occassionally I will put carbon in them. At the moment no carbon.
  4. Goldie

    movin home

    Welcome home greg1 I bought a 3ft tank a few weeks ago from LFS with a metal stand, three tube flourescent lighting and gravel for $346.00 NZ Prices vary a lot. See the trade me thread here.
  5. Goldie

    A Prowler from OZ

    jhans welcome to NZ fishroom. Nice to see a neighbour dropping in and making themselves at home Re your tank I am sure others here can help you too. Did you cycle your tank when you initially set it up? I have the u/g filters and use a vaccum thingie for the water changes (see how technical I am :lol: ) I find that I can grow plants too with the u/g filters which is great for the tetras etc. Once again a warm welcome to you
  6. I have one eartheater and in the end I have put her into a rogue (plantless tank). Even the plastic plant had to be weighted with rocks around the bottom stem to stop her digging it up and she has a 3foot tank to dig around in.
  7. Good luck with it oscar sheila. That is one thing I like about this site the wealth of knowlege and the generousity of the ppl who care and share.
  8. I have just come from another forum and read that water changes are done for many reasons. One being to take away the hormones that accumulate in the water. Can anyone tell me more about this and other reasons for the water changes. I have just simply done them because I was told it was essential for healthy enviroment for my fish and experience has proven that this is true.
  9. It sounds like every fish keepers nightmare. WTG you and your Dad. Sounds like you saved the day. The stand is level isn't it <------------my own personal worry re tanks for I read somewhere that even the small unlevelness can cause pressure on the glass. Do you have insurance to cover loss?? Ours in included in our house contents.
  10. Goldie


    oh NO NOW I do not know if I should laugh or cry with you. Hubby would not dare touch the aquariums unless a heater stopped working or something drastic. Good that he is interested though. Plants do grow again don't they :roll: How are the fish liking their new look tank. ??
  11. Welcome Ash. Great to see you posting.
  12. or throw them into a paddling pool which you can let go green and then hopefully you will always have a live food supply on hand for your fish. I believe that the daphania feed on algae (Is that right??) Once the weather warms up here I am going to do this. My fish love the live food however the winter cool killed off my bucket supply.
  13. Welcome welcome welcome I total agree with all the comments re the bristle nose catfish. They are such hard workers and no algae is in my tanks thanks to them. Good to have you on board
  14. Goldie


    LOL Join a fish club and then acquire the fishes from the trade and exchange. Hubby will never notice the extras ROFL
  15. mmm my fish just love them and I feed from 2 to 5 times a week depending on how organised I am. (I like to thaw and rinse them before feeding).
  16. Goldie


    WOW you begin where a lot of us would like to go??? A whole fish shed. WOWO. Welcome to the forum. Have you ever kept fish before??? With the 18 tanks and all those fish are the different species in different tanks??? Do you have one filtration system for the whole 18tanks or do they have individual filters and all?? See how nosey I am :lol: Welcome again to NZ fish forum.
  17. Congratulations. Looking good
  18. Macka so sorry to hear of the loss of your Siamese Tiger. The first one I ever saw and a wonderful fish.
  19. Goldie


    Running in late and puffing another welcome welcome. It is a great board David and there are quite a few Arowana lovers here too. Welcome.
  20. Welcome to NZFroom. Great to see you Craig and Robbo I also have a hextongon tank. An 80 litre I think. Pic taken by friends Steve & Debs. The fry are now adult size. What are you planning on putting into your tank??
  21. would you please keep updating so i can follow your progress in setting it up??? Just love watching the tanks get set up.........so many good ideas. so few tanks
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