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Everything posted by Goldie
Soooooo glad you got it sorted. I too lost two clown loaches when I had to medicate the tank (hard, heart-breaking lesson). Now I use the good ol' add some salt to water (touch wood no more problems as fish are healthier than ever and seem to love the little salt). I really got cross the person who helped me set up intially, because they were so STRICT about me not buying fish (apart from two guppies), until six weeks had passed. I wanted fish - neon tetras - in the tank, RIGHT AWAY. Later I found out about the nitrate/nitrite cycle and then I quite understood thus came to really appreciate their caring. I have much to thank them for.
wELCOME .................OOOPS Welcome to NZ bobsvinyl ----------hey luv did you realise that your follower has a follower Welcome again. Good luck with new house. Have you any idea of what sort and size tank you will be fitting into the new home. I guess you are ensuring the piles etc are fit for holding all that weight. LOL.
I agree Caryl Pegasus how about a working bee at your place where we can all gather and see how it all works. At Napier I was impressed with the heating of all those tanks, I think it was the underpad method. u can be sure I will be keeping an eye on this posting to see how you are getting on with it all. Whew all those little details that make a simple project a complicated one. Best wishes with it all.
Welcome Danny to the New Zealand fishy forum I live in the South Island (Mainland) of New Zealand and it sure is great to be able to chat and get feedback from other fishy New Zealanders plus of course all the other great members from other countries. Welcome again.
Indeed, I would certainly be interested. However Marlborough would always be my first home club since the members have helped me sooooooooo much and been soooooooo supportive. Even tho it is too far away for me to attend meetings. So yes yes yes to a Christchurch club.
((((((((luvfishies))))))))) A good ol welcome from "Down Under" (New Zealand) where it is spring and the birds are singing, the flowers blooming and the fishies are spawning. :-) Welcome and again welcome. ty for your kind words
tanks of the moment. 1) 27 cm X 46 cm x 35 cm = 45 litre (10 gal) A rogue tank with stones n plastic plants in. 4 guppies - soon to be transferred to their owner and their zillions of babies, which will stay and be reared and sold on. 2) 34 cm x 74 cm x 29 cm = 73 litre (16 gal) Planted with broad leaf plants and some short grasses, also has hard wood logs in. (curtesy of the Malborough Aquarium Club). One marbelled angel; male & female rainbow kribensis; one peppered catfish; two corydora catfish; two clown loaches; 21 neon tetras 3) 37 cm x 91 cm x 50 cm = 168 litre (37 gal) Planted with vallesiria (which has just finished flowering), some small leaf medium plants and some short grasses. Large stump with roots going in every direction and various other pieces of hard wood. Two pigeon blood discus, three herkel discus. Four clown loaches and four bristlenosed catfish (two male and two female). Tank 2 & 3 have u/g filters. Tank 1 & 2 have Shark 2 filter. Tank 3 has fluval 304 filter as well. Each have smallish/medium stones as gravel bottom. I sit watch the fish and plan how to make more changes and add moreplants.
Yeppers, maybe you can even rearrange the tank now. They will all settle and get along if mine are anything to go by. I have four in one tank and two in the other. Just checking out the new clowns on the block probably. Maybe throwing in a few snails will divert them.
1) All About Tropical Fish - Derek McInerny of McLynn's Aquarium, Ewhurst, Surrey and Georffrey Gerard F.R.S.E. 2) Home Aquarium in coloour - Gwynne Vevers Publisher Warwick Press Soooo many good books and sooo little time.. Soooo many fantastic fish and soooooo few tanks LOL. Let us know how it goes with them please
ohh they are a shoaling fish. Meant to say that first Then got carried away. :lol: Oh my, now you have me started into fish books (hubby will never forgive you ) Leopard danio Length: 6 cm (2 1/4 inches) Characteristics: two pairs of barbels. An active fish in the upper and middle water layers. Distributoion: south-east Asia. Aquarium conditions: community tank from 30 cm (12 inches) long, with good lighting, and preferably some sunlight. Temperature: 23 C (73 F) Diet: live and dried food. Sex differences: female somewhat rounder. Breeding: is not difficult. I like this particular book - as the information is simply worded. Again good luck.
Ok Joey here is what it says in my ol book. DANIOS - family of Cyprinidae, minnow-like fishes from India, Ceylon, Indonesia & Thailand. The larger species are called Danios & the smaller members Brachydanios (from the Greek brachys, meaning short). (u wanted to know ALL that didn't u?? All are swift, streamlined fishes which scatter non adhesive eggs in shallow water among plant thickets. They do well in ordinary aquarium conditions, preferring neutral water. They delight in swimming in shoals in the upper part of the tank, and usually are not scary. Danios will take any food of suitable size, dried, fresh, or live. They are labelled a community fish. Preferring slightly acid water. Both sexes look alike, but the female when full of roe is slightly deeper bodied. Apparently they have not been breed in captivity yet. (my book is a 1966 edition) Good luck with them.
Maybe I missed something - however - how did you cycle your tank Tank mate???
er hemm could anyone please tell me the Latin name for the siamese tiger for I would dearly love to see what you are all talking about. :roll:
If it is a new tank will you not have to be careful until it has cycled?? That is for the first six weeks of the ammonia and nitrate/nitrite levels. :-?
I had an automatic feeder (not sure of the brand) it stuck to the top of the tank. Well it got unstuck and fell into the water, what a mess!!!!!!!!! Luckily I was just testing it out and not on holiday. It got thrown and I have looked warily at them ever since.
Hi Martin The same thing happened to me, about the same time. As everything is still flowing ok I have left it. When it comes to the time of stripping that tank down and setting it up again I will then rectify it by replacing the grid. Until then I figure, why fix something that is working ok. My fish agree.
LOL ROFL I really needed that laugh today Ira. Thanks.
There are some posts in the forum re salt in the tank. This is a natural anti-biotic. I have only recently been adding it to my tank and the fish have given it the fins up. I definitely think it was a positive change - adding the salt to the tanks. Name the fish, heaven forbid. LOL Jack n Jill, blueberry and blossom, stroppy n sneaky would roll around the bottom of the tank laughing if they thought I had named them Mind you when it comes to naming the 20 neon tetra I think I would need a school roll.
How often do you clean out the filter/s?? Or clean the bottom of the tank?? Do you top up the water lost through evaporation??
Merlin, awesome to see you What sort of fish do youhave?? How long have you had them set up?? Good to see you here. Welcome
LOL John I quite agree. Passes rubbish tin to Ira
When u set up tank did you put new filters etc in or ones you had been using in old tank. Have you renewed the sponges in filter recently (a friend got caught by putting in new sponge and later found it had been treated with anti bacterial stuff - was a kitchen sponge - he lost most of his discus). Please keep us posted. It is tragic watching your fish die and feeling so helpless. Fins crossed for you.
Re the reply in Welcome about the stress activating protozoans which kill - I do believe now why my angel died. I had put a pair of rainbow kribensis in the tank and they did bully him a little initially - he was a peaceful soul and bothered no body. I think the stress triggered other things for he had an outbreak of fungus (one small spot) and I treated that with salt bath and time out in hospital tank. He recovered and was his normal self. A couple of weeks later I made the mistake of returning him to the community tank. He died within the week with no signs of illness. In my opinion kribenisis are not for a peaceful community tank. Pretty n all as they are. Another lesson learned.
------->tongue in cheek---------> nice pics Ira 8) Is the puffer the middle one