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Everything posted by Goldie

  1. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice
  2. hi there oranda 8) . I did some research and hope it will help you. "High protein food, live food while not necessary is welcome."
  3. Well the photos have been taken of the newest bloom. It is a small white flower, three petals, six yellow stigmas (I think that is what they are called) and the stamen is also yellow. The flower seems to last one - two days.
  4. I will and thanks Caryl n hubby.
  5. Goldie


    Welcome cat 8) MMMMmmm I should be doing the housework however the forum addiction has hit and I just had to come on line to see the lastest news n views. What sort of fish do you have in those tanks???? what is the size of the tanks and are they in your lounge or do you have a 'fish room'. Great to greet another fishy fanatic.
  6. oh my I only have an ordinary camera with flash so will have to ask hubby to take a photo. The flowers are attached to a long green (thin round) stem. They are only blooming one at a time one opening as the other dies off. so far I have had the pleasure of watching three and there are still many buds to bloom. I will do my best to get a photo.
  7. Goldie

    Hi ya'll

    8) welcome Momad from springtime in New Zealand. Glad those discus are fine, apart from one I had heard that Texans did everything on a large scale and now your beginning with a 100gallon tank I believe it. welcome my friend
  8. ty Wayne allloow me to intoduce Momad who will speak for herself. ty again.
  9. Having purchased some valliseria plants a month ago and planted them in the discus tank and given them some plant food I promptly forgot about them. Then today I noticed I had FLOWERS. Beautiful small white ones floating on the surface of the water. WOW so pretty I am amazed and the plants have all taken and are growing well.
  10. wow what a wealth of knowledge - nothing can beat the pool of experience. I sure have set up antiseptic (fish sort) for the nets. Something I had not thought of. I only have 2 n half tanks mind you.
  11. My friend has one of her discus (in hospital tank now,50 gallons of water) that developed a white cottony spot on it's tail. For the past six days she has been treating it with pencillian, 1 tablet per 10 gallons of water every other day. No difference, well maybe it has shrunk just a little. First she tried the saline treatment. Discus is swimming and eating well. The spot is just sitting there. Advice would be appreciated.
  12. I have just finished the water change in my three tanks and while doing this the mind sort of wandered (scary). :-? I am interested in knowing the one thing that you learnt when beginning to fish keep that has stayed with you to this day?? For me it was how to clean the tank around plants (Don't do it) When new I thoroughly cleaned everything. Now I just softly vacumn over the plants and surrounding area to leave something for the plants to fed on. I no longer get upset at a little algae, realising that the bottom feeders and some fish really need it. The greatest invention ever:- The syphon python.
  13. Sounds good to me. How exciting for you. Just be careful not to pput them all in at the same time. A few fish at a time to balance the bateria community. Which are you getting first???
  14. Goldie

    Good day!

    8) Hi Wayne from the sunny south. Good to see a new face, n all the old ones too of course. Great to see an almost vet interested in the fish side of things. I have only seen one ever fish operation, where a large goldfish was sewn up. Successfully. ALL THE BEST for your upcoming exams. I have found that here, there is a friendly crew, so once again welcome from the sunny mainland. 8)
  15. Goldie

    Digital PH meter

    :-? hands Ira a cool cloth to stop him bleeding on the floor. seriously though - I find the ph by using the 5ml of tank water and 2 drops of tester to colour it. My hubby being colour blind is my second opinion if I am not sure which colour has shown up. His colour blindness gives him an advantage with the blues/greens. Had you thought of asking Brooklands or Southpetware or Masterpet re the digital differences???
  16. Goldie

    A late Hi All

    8) Welcome angel 2 Wow really enjoyed reading about your tanks n fish. sorry about the gupps loss. Do you know what happened yet??? I too love the angels. I also like the discus and have a tank of each really with the angel tank being a sort of community tank. Welcome again great to have you on board - so to speak
  17. 'Exotic Tropical Fishes' - axelrod, vorderwinkler, emmens, sculthorpe & pronek suggest that the Labeo Bicolor - Red tailed shark be fed All kinds of live foods, besides some vegetable matter in addition, like lettuce or spinach leaves. Other books say same and some suggest that they will get the algae as well. They sound delightfully playful fish. How are they going??
  18. Goldie


    wow first I have heard of rearing fish outdoors, apart from the good ol goldfish that is. Would it work this far south do you think?? Friend down the road has trouble from kingfishers and white face herons raiding her goldfish pond. She has stretched netting over the pond.
  19. Goldie

    Hello All...

    hi ya Janey welcome
  20. Goldie


    Now that it is spring, is there anything that should be done by fish keepers?? Normally I have stripped the tanks and had a spring clean. However reading more I am realising that this is not necessary. So I am unashamedly picking the brains and experience of you all :lol: :lol: . What do you do for the fish and your fishy set ups at this time of year???
  21. Not necessarily. I keep my discus at 6.8 - 7.0 PH are they are quite happy.
  22. Goldie

    betta nursing

    Ty CID and Pegasus what great sites. It is surely a small small world.
  23. good thinking dennis, however do not forget to feed the catfish - I use the spirulina discs. Being a new tank you will not have any algae build up that some fish need to survive. Another thing I learnt was that some hard wood is also beneficial to some fish and you will need to soak, scrub and sink this in your tank. trust this is helpful.
  24. Goldie

    betta nursing

    appreciate the info Fee and will certainly be on the look out for the betta fix. So far the betta is doing well, has a good appetite and a lively interest in all that is going on around him. The plus is he is a fantastic colour and somehow I doubt that he will be returned to be sold on. My pocket book just got a little lighter LOL.
  25. Goldie

    betta nursing

    ty for the help. muchly appreciated by the betta and myself
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