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    livingart reacted to boban_nz in Merry Christmas   
  2. Like
    livingart got a reaction from Silverdollarboy2 in For sale live animals   
    Beat the facebook ban on live animal adverts.
    Post on this forum then share the link to facebook.
    Eazy az Chur Bro.
  3. Like
    livingart reacted to fishyNZ in Mesonauta sp. (Festivum) cichlid spawned   
    Fry are free-swimming now. Their parents are doing a good job of corralling them, which makes it easier for me to feed.  At the moment, they are fed on decapsulated brineshrimp and NLS fry starter.  I might try offering them Repashy/pellet food after 3 weeks.
    I might also separate the parents within a week or so, as this is just their second spawning.
  4. Like
    livingart reacted to fishyNZ in Mesonauta sp. (Festivum) cichlid spawned   
    Second time spawning; first time didn't went well as I separated from the parents too early.  Hope will be successful this time.
    Not sure if these are M.insignis or M.festivus but I'm leaning on the former, just basing on the color on the lower body.
  5. Like
    livingart reacted to thecap in New set up - the journey   
    Its been a while, but finally had the chance to redo my 200L fish tank and have converted it to a high tech set up. Moved all my other fish into another 200L that has been hanging in the garage.
    Plan is to have a Iwagumi style with 40-50 Neon tetras and 10 Oto's.
    Substrate - 5 kg JBL planting substrate 21 kg seachem fluorite black sand, random black rocks
    Plants - Glossostigma Elatinoides, Dwarf hair grass and 3x Alternanthere Reineckii - roseafoila
    Filter-  Aqua One 1200
    Lighting - one 49w Aquq one plant glo
    Co2- 2 bubbles per second
    Ferts - NPK 20ml and seachem flourish 5 ml starting every 2 days
    As per I get to excited to get going so after work I started, got it filled up and planted by about 2am. Lost a bit of contour in the process but I am happy with the result.
    Will post up dates as it progresses and the troubles on the way to hopefully what I want :-)

  6. Like
    livingart reacted to hovmoller in geophagus surinamensis aquaponics   
    If you can wait 3-4 months I will have some Geophagus sp. Tapajos "Red Head" (see my avatar) grown big enough.
    They are just as hardy and interesting as G. "surinamensis" (actuallly G. altifrons but that's another story) but don't grow as big as altifrons and are more colourful.
    I will not ship them but you will be able to buy them from Hollywoods in Auckland if you are keen.
  7. Like
    livingart reacted to boban_nz in A few fish pictures   
    Clown loach - Chromobotia macracanthus

  8. Like
    livingart reacted to Rob Fey in geophagus surinamensis aquaponics   
    hi fishy folk , im in the process of building an aquaponics display system going into a restaurant in Christchurch to display the potential of locally grown veggies and hopefully promote more use of alternative farming methods, because of the red tape involved in breeding/growing fish for consumption ive decided to stock my system with pretty inedible fish instead , hopefully catching more attention , in the past i have had lots of success with small scale prototypes (400ltrs) and now im ready to get a bit bigger, the new system will be built around a 600ltr with a combination of vertical towers and solid media grow beds , i have decided to go with an american cichlid community  with the focus being a group of  geophagus surinamensis, so im on the hunt for a group of about 6 and a few tank mates (yet to be decided) i would love some input from the community and some help sourcing fish (as well as some constructive criticism)  , if anyone knows of any thing for sale over the next 2 months please don't hesitate to ask , (attached is a basic design of the system dimensions are not correct its actually a lot bigger)

  9. Like
    livingart reacted to boban_nz in The Amazing Bumblebee   
    The Amazing Bumblebee
  10. Like
    livingart got a reaction from Caryl in My Pond   
    Looking good Caryl.
  11. Like
    livingart reacted to Caryl in My Pond   
  12. Like
    livingart reacted to boban_nz in A few fish pictures   
    Apistogramma agassizii - Agassizi's Dwarf Cichlid
    Flash on

    Flash off

  13. Like
    livingart reacted to kiwiraka in My American Cichlids   
    I recently got a young male to pair with my female GT and now have a female? Jack Dempsey in a grow out tank.
    The oscars seem to be the hardest to get photos of, they never stop moving.

  14. Like
    livingart reacted to boban_nz in Mini fish profile - Blue Emperor Tetra   
    Mini fish profile - Blue Emperor Tetra    
  15. Like
    livingart got a reaction from Silverdollarboy2 in Breeding Cocoa pisces   
    Cooked I hope.
    Does make a nice Sushi too though.

  16. Like
    livingart got a reaction from hovmoller in Breeding Cocoa pisces   
    Breeding Chocolate Fish
    Cocoa pisces (deliscioso)
    I recently managed to acquire a trio of Chocolate fish to try breeding with,
    A melanistic male, a normal female and an albino female.

    Breeding Tank parameters.
    Minimum size 100 litres
    Temperature under 18 centigrade otherwise they get soft and lethargic.
    PH neutral to soft.
    I used chocolate sprinkles as substrate and fed them Cadbury Flake food to condition them for breeding.
    These fish usually spawn in caves laying a large egg mass which the male guards for7 days before they hatch.
    Egg mass.

    Once the fry hatch I remove the parents just in case they are tempted to eat them.
    Picture of newly hatched fry.

    I feed the fry fine particles of food, this is easily achieved by grating a chocolate bar on a kitchen grater.

    I hope this article helps you achieve breeding these sweet fish.
    Fry ready for sale.

  17. Like
    livingart reacted to hovmoller in My Geos   
    Yeah definitely a few male "personalities" in there.
    Looking at the video again, to me it looks a little bit like they are just a tad slim? as in maybe slightly underfed... Don't get me wrong they look nice it's just my thoughts.. maybe I overfed mine! hehe.
  18. Like
    livingart got a reaction from boban_nz in Mini fish profile - Pearl Gourami   
    Excellent way of profiling a fish.
  19. Like
    livingart got a reaction from Tread50 in My Geos   
    They are a beautiful fish, well done.
  20. Like
    livingart reacted to Silverdollarboy2 in My new native tank   
  21. Like
    livingart reacted to Silverdollarboy2 in Breeding Cocoa pisces   
  22. Like
    livingart got a reaction from Silverdollarboy2 in Breeding Cocoa pisces   
    Breeding Chocolate Fish
    Cocoa pisces (deliscioso)
    I recently managed to acquire a trio of Chocolate fish to try breeding with,
    A melanistic male, a normal female and an albino female.

    Breeding Tank parameters.
    Minimum size 100 litres
    Temperature under 18 centigrade otherwise they get soft and lethargic.
    PH neutral to soft.
    I used chocolate sprinkles as substrate and fed them Cadbury Flake food to condition them for breeding.
    These fish usually spawn in caves laying a large egg mass which the male guards for7 days before they hatch.
    Egg mass.

    Once the fry hatch I remove the parents just in case they are tempted to eat them.
    Picture of newly hatched fry.

    I feed the fry fine particles of food, this is easily achieved by grating a chocolate bar on a kitchen grater.

    I hope this article helps you achieve breeding these sweet fish.
    Fry ready for sale.

  23. Like
    livingart got a reaction from Colour_genes in Breeding Cocoa pisces   
    Breeding Chocolate Fish
    Cocoa pisces (deliscioso)
    I recently managed to acquire a trio of Chocolate fish to try breeding with,
    A melanistic male, a normal female and an albino female.

    Breeding Tank parameters.
    Minimum size 100 litres
    Temperature under 18 centigrade otherwise they get soft and lethargic.
    PH neutral to soft.
    I used chocolate sprinkles as substrate and fed them Cadbury Flake food to condition them for breeding.
    These fish usually spawn in caves laying a large egg mass which the male guards for7 days before they hatch.
    Egg mass.

    Once the fry hatch I remove the parents just in case they are tempted to eat them.
    Picture of newly hatched fry.

    I feed the fry fine particles of food, this is easily achieved by grating a chocolate bar on a kitchen grater.

    I hope this article helps you achieve breeding these sweet fish.
    Fry ready for sale.

  24. Like
    livingart got a reaction from Caryl in Breeding Cocoa pisces   
    Breeding Chocolate Fish
    Cocoa pisces (deliscioso)
    I recently managed to acquire a trio of Chocolate fish to try breeding with,
    A melanistic male, a normal female and an albino female.

    Breeding Tank parameters.
    Minimum size 100 litres
    Temperature under 18 centigrade otherwise they get soft and lethargic.
    PH neutral to soft.
    I used chocolate sprinkles as substrate and fed them Cadbury Flake food to condition them for breeding.
    These fish usually spawn in caves laying a large egg mass which the male guards for7 days before they hatch.
    Egg mass.

    Once the fry hatch I remove the parents just in case they are tempted to eat them.
    Picture of newly hatched fry.

    I feed the fry fine particles of food, this is easily achieved by grating a chocolate bar on a kitchen grater.

    I hope this article helps you achieve breeding these sweet fish.
    Fry ready for sale.

  25. Like
    livingart got a reaction from Caryl in Fish ID help   
    All is not lost, more are available.
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