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Everything posted by livingart

  1. you could be prez seriously the benefits are promoting the hobby locally sharing your knowledge with others club meetings and get togethers just to name a few others will probably add more
  2. even as soup it would be about 5 dollars a spoonful
  3. well done dennis are you doing it by correspondence?
  4. walking frames for tank stands
  5. anthony a low blow especially after gannet stole my walking frame
  6. it is really good when you both can share a hobby my partner calls the fishroom Sky TV because there are so many channels to watch
  7. how was his attitude to other large fish ie: aros
  8. do shops make it clear that they are from farmed stock and a permit is needed to sell as a casual customer might assume you can sell them well done stella, that was the next move for me
  9. you will have to make room henward the vultures are circling kaaah kaaah :evil:
  10. search, koura in fish section of trademe, the listing will come up have already asked seller if a permit is needed am awaiting an answer asked a question of them as i didn't want to appear heavy handed and demand if they have a permit to sell
  11. or is that a filer of fish books?
  12. hi henward how about you house it temporarily for me for 2 weeks? you are lucky i don't live in auckland and can't get away right now to buy it for my big tank 8)
  13. is it on the captive management of mudfish if so it is online in pdf format at http://www.doc.govt.nz/upload/documents ... rds205.pdf
  14. remember his behaviour henward so next time it will be an early indication of water quality maybe?
  15. do you need a permit to sell Koura? i have seen some for sale on the unmentionable site, and thought you needed a permit to sell, but no permit to keep anone have clarification please?
  16. i see another dat advertised on the trading site 250mm +
  17. sorry awful k'nawful it was the darkly pigmented young lady that has been residing with us for the last eight years of her life also my humble apologies to any reeves or other turtles, asian or from other geographic regions, that may have been reading this
  18. that link is the 2nd time it has been listed georgeous, thanks for your concern broms it was the black girl i have had for quite awhile, bummer
  19. are you just claiming the frogs are down there to cover up any nocturnal noises?
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