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Everything posted by livingart

  1. well done oh wrinkly faced dog cages look good
  2. i don't mist our newts just fitted lids on tank once they become terrestrial they can climb very well and use their damp bodies to stick to the glass
  3. i will miss you only because i can't throw straight even cornier
  4. snookie would know slightly bigger now, only slightly though in with 4 scats, 4 sebae, 2 archers and 3 monos
  5. get out the camera and they dissapear
  6. sorry but morphed axolotls are considered an unwanted organism
  7. how long ago did you morph these axies and how long lived were they? did you use artificial or natural methods to morph?
  8. i use a sponge, just make sure no fine gravel is stuck on the sponge while scrubbing
  9. 100 degrees for 2 to 3 mins then dunk in cold water:D seriously though get a chiller if you want to keep over summer 5 will probably fight like has been said
  10. a forever home for some of these larger fish we keep should be at least 3,000 litres maybe, you need more than one of a kind to allow normal interaction within species to feed properly you would need to supply a lot of live food if we are releasing raised animals back to the wild we need to teach them to hunt proiperly so live food must be supplied, it does go against some peoples ethics though, but it is what is best for the animal. luckily we live in a country were peoples personal opinions are respected
  11. thats the winter enclosure, will try to find the water dragon enclosure pic to post
  12. i have kept a lot of animals and the best judge of how they feel is their health, an unhappy animal will go off its food or not generally thrive
  13. basically that is what we all do, we can dress the box up to assuage our guilty feelings but it is still not nature. i think a bare tank may help to stop some territorial agression maybe all the fish thinks about is it can it eat it or mate with it or drive it out of my space. how intelligent are fish really? sadly a natural environment for many animals is no longer available or rapidly degenerating due to mans excesses.
  14. just started a new thread in freshwater on the subject in question
  15. "what do your fish really think about their environment?" does what the fishtank looks like really matter to the fish, or is it more important to our belief of what the fish wants? i have used bare tanks for breeding successfully, but i also love a aquascaped tank. thought i would post this here, if mods think it needs moving please do
  16. maybe we should start a new thread on "what do fish really think about their environment?"
  17. fish all look healthy and happy, you must be doing something right! you've had them for quite a while too
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