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Everything posted by livingart

  1. an overstayer, released in the auckland region in 1963, now found over most of the north island there used to be a colony of crimson rosellas in upper hutt i think
  2. we have just dealt with rcd as well 14 rabbits gone all dwarf lops that were running loose and our customers would feed them by hand not nice apparently a large local subdivision project was having a rabbit problem, so someone sorted it out silly idiots at least the 4 left maybe resistant
  3. it is amazing what a screwdriver and a hammer can fix
  4. clever post conch, tend to agree with afrikan i only open my mouth to change feet had a similar post sorted, but thought better of it Shadowfax, have you thought of going to NRM or one of the other feed producers and purchasing or having donated large sacks of rabbit pellets etc. then selling them to members of club for a small profit for club anyone have 2nd hand hutches or capable of making some to sell for funds good luck with the fundraising
  5. the 2 eels still in our pond are bigger too wily to catch so far
  6. livingart

    Hi to all

    ditto on the welcomes muzz
  7. got a 6 foot shortfin eel i,ve had for 8 years sorry don't know her age
  8. don't know if you have read this or not a proph http://www.cichlid-forum.com/articles/malawi_bloat.php or if anyone else has posted
  9. good one whetu works not quite as drastic as that when pulling up local marines from a great depth and the swim bladder has inflated, normally use a syringe no there is a treatment that is used as well
  10. do you know the active ingredient would it be the same as the bloat treatment for cows who knows
  11. yes taps are screw in and easy to replace might just be the o rings that need replacing can order from lfs or take one out and go to local engineers supplies for right size
  12. i have tried everything with some animals birds etc, given up on them then been surprised when they have done it on their own tank of their own may be best bet, if you can do it before you go, might get a surprise when you get back but then it is another tank for someone to look after good luck
  13. bare bottom is easier to keep clean especially if you can use the flow from your filter to sweep the bottom driftwood is ok as well
  14. you don't say how old the unit is taps may not be seated properly on the housing or "o" rings if no airlock in canister i think those impellers have little washers in them , did you reassemble everything in the right order of parts rubber seats at ends of shaft can get worn and allow a little more movement making rattle noise a plastic bag and one chilly bin should be o.k. for 2-3 hours
  15. at least your calling the shots there dubbo
  16. nice pic david is the remote so you can take a picture while the silverback "cuddles" you ?
  17. well done waterfaller we have, currently in nz, tropical kudas which i believe are imported from captive bred stock kudas have been bred in nz, though i don't know if anyone is currently doing them and then our own local Hippocampus abdominalis which are the ones i have worked with
  18. not too good when my 4 feett has aros and her 4 feet has cardinals no it is good caring and sharing together beats having to hide things from your partner
  19. its a good thing so long as they don't start taking over but then you will need more tanks for her fish inhouse competition is good
  20. don't know how old you are Atown but we used to get the edge of the ruler on the knuckles if you got things wrong more than once
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