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Everything posted by livingart

  1. 2 image tags on the end almost there repto when you get it right practise a few times with the preview button on the posting page took me a few goes to get it right at least yours are the right size i got in trouble for posting massive pics all the time, gave poor pegasus a hard time :oops: back to the frog does it have a lumpy back ?
  2. one end of a 150w metal halide dropped in the reef tank today it was plugged in and on i almost reached in to grab it out thought better of it and unplugged at the wall instead
  3. had it happen before replaced plug and no further probs better to be safe than sorry
  4. may be bad connection in plug or board that has been shorting or positive negative round wrong way for circuit through fitting these are just guesses as i am not an electrician though, so the pros around here will let you know better
  5. are you laughing because it really was your jersey or at how old i am i am going away to shine the place on my head where the hair no longer grows :oops:
  6. I'm past the classic stage into veteran soon to be vintage
  7. i thought that was your pink jersey :oops:
  8. your sucking too much power out of the national grid what does the plug go to
  9. nice colour again but he needs a shave, beards a bit long
  10. shes almost twice my age happy birthday to gran
  11. another about dolphins and the sea SUBMERGING MEMORIES. Silhouettes of grey, Shimmering through the seas, Effortlessly, gracefully, The dolphins swim with ease, Diving to the depths, of the oceans far and wide, Perpetuating motion, in the realms where they reside, Transmission of their voices, echoing to and fro, Sending out their signal, just how far does it go?, Beyond horizons known to us, In memory and in thought, Retaining an inner purpose, Destiny being sought, Their world is full of tension, will they be wiped out?, By man and by technology, of this, there is no doubt, Nuclear radiation, fishermen with their nets, Have no understanding, lacking the respect, Of the beauty within the species, In every shape and form, For if we continue to eradicate, No more will be born, So what is the advantage? Just what can mankind gain?, By inflicting so much damage, By causing so much pain, The sun sets on the ocean, The golden ray subsides, Another day has ended, But who has managed to survive? Caroline Paterson
  12. Caroline wrote this IS THERE HOPE? I am the tiger; I gaze across my lands, That once were in abundance, but now are desert sands, My kindred spirits are but few, scattered all around the Earth, Never to stand again, upon their place of birth, The one called man so many signs; he chooses not to see, Which are fast becoming, reality, I turn and run, but I cannot hide, Freedom is something, I have been denied, Concrete jungles, weave their web, Invasions begun, and continues to spread, Time slips by, I am alone, Fear takes hold, where is my home, The sight of destruction, the odour of despair, How can so many, be unaware, Technology advanced, the lust for power, Shortening life spans, by the hour, To sustain the furthering need, Of man the hunter, so filled with greed, To fulfil his passion, but can he win the game, For when there is nothing, who will remain, For if life’s interplay, does not take place, There is no hope for any race, As we all have, our part to play, To continue the cycle, of each new day, The way of the world, it can be changed, If we can only but rearrange, Thoughts and voices, focused as one, To perpetuate a future for everyone.
  13. do you have a pic? is it tropical or local horse is it small spots (whitespot) or a larger mark (possibly fungus) any anenomes in tank? can sting and damage the skin seahorses only have 1mm of flesh on them have you done a recent waterchange, if not do one at least 30%
  14. those snakenecks get the most comical looks on their faces Caroline thinks they look like E.T. phone home i meant guys in a non gender specific way
  15. you guys have a better selection of reps just a little jealous now
  16. nice shots waterfaller looks like he's playing peekaboo
  17. space and red bit should not be inside the 2 img tags should read http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj27 ... 250006.jpg with an image tag either end try again
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