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Everything posted by livingart

  1. good idea imsweet measure airline wall thickness, as it is 10mm glass and you are using laser cutter 1mm compression should be enough on silicon tubing, but try one and see before cutting the rest once in place give it a push to see how firm it is to withstand pressures as mentioned above
  2. thanks Jude still working on sponsor the animals, a bit more involved than we first thought georgeous, mystic is the matrix already got plans for the matrix charitable trust will be up and running soon, this will make things easier we are working on things that need doing and prioritising them first working bee will be a test case, hopefully more to come please keep the ideas coming as they are important to the success of the park all of this has increased my workload, but is nrcessary till we can get people onboard so i can delegate i am Neo signed loan documents today
  3. it will be trial and error dependant on the wall thickness on the airhose the silicon airline maybe best dont put too much pressure on front and back panes of glass, may go ping ensure no grit on edges when setting it up
  4. miami sounds nice local club is on board in the form of the president and family so far have a BBQ and meat, bring whatever else you want suggested equipment list building tools, nails, timber treated preferably chainsaw and safety equipment rakes spades shovels wheelbarrows strong footwear, gloves, old clothes car trailer blower vac, weed eater, water blaster machete, slasher loppers, secateurs any other thoughts on equipment
  5. yolk sack lasts about 24 hrs, but they are eating BBS already
  6. livingart


    woke up yesterday morning to a tank full of these sorry for the blurry photo mum and dad
  7. is bud getting old and forgetfull too many whiskeys ? good pic caryl
  8. update of the park, had many people in with offers of help, working bee thanks to jimminy cricketman, rebranding and marketing help, volunteer list is getting longer, kaz is looking after that same as mailout list, offers of goods for garage sale on the open day, and people to help on the day we had a 1.5m taxidermied alligator, stuffed cobra and mongoose in large display case donated for display, adds to the natural history museum seahorses gave birth, and golden axies have hatched or wiggled loose
  9. you can put lipstick on a cat but it is still a cat natural hunters, generally inclined to chase anything that moves i love cats but they don't have a place in our bush cats are like dogs, OK with responsible owners can understand davidrs point of view as cats cause us many problems seeing our fantail population grow then finding piles of feathers of young fantails makes me feel the sentiments charlie originally expressed in this thread one neighbour has 7 cats, told me i should keep our birds penned up
  10. she was obviously happy and content then, if she was a fish in a tank and lived past her average lifespan the fishkeeper would probably get a pat on the back
  11. i am a sceptic and believe nothing till i have seen it with my own eyes schooled towards a zoology degree, but left school to wander in my life i have seen and experienced many things that people may call extraordinary and depending on the company some experiences will not be told, as judgements can be passed i am still a sceptic but respect other peoples experiences as a reality to them ps, i would love to meet an alien or a ghost, it will probably remove some more of my doubts
  12. as experienced reptile keepers are hard to find the store is probably relying on info from the breeder ps. seahorsemad that is 2 more times you have mentioned the store which is creating an off topic situation the thread is about age to sell beardies at
  13. no one named and shamed, just merely expressed opinions as to age to sell at
  14. egyptian, siamese, scottish ? all the rest are man made then
  15. originally how many seperate breeds of cat were there ?
  16. without any background i have to agree with this statement
  17. big thanks to Jazz at animates, the animates team and Jim Sy and family, cricketman and his lady for yjeir help on the weekend all hail to you all Mystic and ballistic get extra hugs for keeping the ball rolling and mystic for all her hard work, cheers guys almost gave up at one stage of the game but looked at all the support we were getting and thought "this is worth the battle" so it wasn't just us who need congratulating but everyone involved deserves a pat on the back, it was a combined effort
  18. no frosts in the fernery, 47 mature king ferns in there its about 700 square metres, mamaku canopy
  19. so they will do alright in our fernery then ?
  20. IMO, i wouldn't let them go until they are no longer solely reliant on live food or so fragile, 6 weeks sounds about right others may have a different opinion got given a blue tongue last year that was anorexic, they had been told that it would survive on bio supplies flies by the shop yeah right
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