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Everything posted by livingart

  1. i think you may have hit that nail on the head there hoody
  2. be careful how much fats you put through young lizards they eat a lot of insects as youngsters the fats in white woirms or animal meats can lead to liver and kidney problems later if they are fed too much variety is good only my opinion
  3. no you Just think you are Patrick Guppy the "Man from Atlantis"
  4. just lay down on zee couch and tell me zee problems , ya? i zink zee recent stress you haf had wiz your fishies is manifesting itzelf in guilt and you feel you haf let your fishies down and so need to be punished by zese same fishies so zee big fishie haz attacked you, but your indominatable fighting spirit has not let you succumb to zee problems and you vill continue viz fishkeeping til you suczeed
  5. fish are meant to destress you my fish dreams consist of huge tanks full of rare fish and me swimming amongst them
  6. you need a cat david just like a hole in the head
  7. good result in the end, sad for the bird and big ups to the shop for sorting problem and checking rest of the birds
  8. they will get you off the island nexr week
  9. FTA = former trapeze artist CCC = cheeky circus clown PT = pachyderm trainer AT = animal trainer student of life = student of life
  10. self employed, FTA., CCC., PT., AT. and student of life
  11. hard luck gannet those allnighters are a bummer when the result is negative get onto the shop
  12. this was probably more than an oppurtunist it makes sense like snookie said or if like on tv reality cop shows where they were recovered from was an undercover front for the authorities i watch too much tv :oops:
  13. correct barrie stress tips them over very quickly this bird had no meat on its breastbone well done getting it through the night
  14. no worries the bird comes first IME the bird was too young or thin to be sold its breastbone feels like a yacht keel should be like a tegel chicken probably still being fed by the parents
  15. I would say you have the same information as me and i hope it is not true :evil: time will provide the proof when the jigsaw is complete maybe a wolf in a dress is really a leopard that hasn't changed its spots
  16. the peices of the jigsaw are falling into place
  17. quite similar IME also related to axolotyls
  18. doing all colours what you want, only up to 6cm at the moment
  19. IME scaleless fish seem more susceptible to changes in water condition maybe their mucus layer is slightly different have you checked all your water prameters and differences in lfs water and your tank water can be great and a longer "float off" period maybe necessary good luck with the fish
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