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Everything posted by livingart

  1. i got the same email as well barrie
  2. welcome john is your water splashing out of the sides from the waterfall also ditto to what alan said
  3. taking out the american bits, i am still older than dirt i am dust
  4. at nz prices there is a few thousand dollars in that tank caryl
  5. my tank is 2.1 x .9 x .75 high and is comfortable with 2 large aros in it also in there is a jardini and 2 giant gourami i am upgrading the tank soon to give more swimming room the 2 you are proposing to keep are still relatively young and small so should be alright together for awhile, possibly at least a year it will be a matter of trying it but having a backup plan or an alternative tank if things go wrong as they mature as mystic has said slow moving, steady fish are best i have had my aros with bichirs, festivum, angels, port hoplos, synodontis, blue gouramis these are just my personal experiences
  6. don;t know who did it, i would find a damaged plec in the morning
  7. yes to everything except the pleco had trouble with mine but it could have been the jardini
  8. some random pics of some of our africans grumpy and lumpy leleupi guarding his cave mr blue
  9. it depends on the size and agression levels in the fish concerned bringing up fish together from small seems to work for some there are a lot more experienced aro keepers than me on monsterfishkeepers forums i currently house 2 large silvers, a jardini and 2 smaller giant gouramis in a 2.1 x .9 x .75 high tank but it is starting to look full
  10. bringing them up together maybe alright, but i haven't had personal experience with raising small aros, only introducing larger ones breaking up the line of sight with heavy planting or large driftwood has worked for me but they have had the occasional spat my lids are now 10mm glass or heavy acrylic if 2 aros don't like each other you need to have another tank ready to split them up if necessary they have different personalities and some can be incredibly territorial as they get larger the best ones together i think are a pair with no agression from day one, touch wood
  11. by the time the centipede got his boxing gloves and shoes on the fight would be over
  12. Garcon i would like to order my meal and hop to it
  13. price of a commodity is what attracts most people nowadays getting the school involved in the restoration project would be a good idea once you can turn the local kids on to a project the whole family will get involved it will raise awareness in the local community of the problems facing nature wetlands are the planets filtration system a scientific study proposed that every glass of water you drink has been through 6 other humans before you drank it
  14. only 3 species of exotic frog currently available and no others would be allowed to be imported due to the chance of bringing in disease that might affect our native frogs
  15. being paid to play in the snow grants job has some pluses some times
  16. sadly a lot of the time it comes down to money or time mind you though money spent on controlling liver fluke might be better spent on fencing off swamps less than 10% of nzs original wetlands left
  17. a couple of more links to stuff local to you http://www.doc.govt.nz/upload/documents ... strict.pdf 1 on farm waterways http://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/wat ... -jul01.pdf
  18. a good reference page http://www.nzetc.org/tm/scholarly/tei-B ... dy-d3.html
  19. when we were kids we used to find a big dark greeny/blue frog or toad in the freezing works paddocks by the tip top factory in mt wellingtomn auckland it is all industrial estate now
  20. i thought you knew something we didn't know there were originally about 6 species liberated in nz but it is thought only 3 have survived to this day
  21. they are bred for research purposes only none legally in public hands
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