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Everything posted by livingart

  1. gormless does it for me repto and before you can say it, it is just like looking in th mirror
  2. she has just given birth and is walking off the pain yes is normal behaviour for a while she will settle and go back to normal did you get to see her laying eggs they grip weed etc with front legs and tail and use the back legs to stick the eggs onto the weed quite a delicate operation for something that can appear gormless most of the time
  3. back on subject josh there are many herpers overseas who use that substrate and any fine sand has the potential to cause problems from ingestion and inhalation i and a few others use astro turf for easy maintenance
  4. Bubba is a big guy who rides a small motorbike you should have a baby album full of pics of it
  5. welcome oh good looking one
  6. apparently to sterilise them you just remove the head
  7. welcome to the forums have you tried your local fish club?
  8. predatory fish can be funny sometimes, they will sometimes leave fish alone that have grown in the tank with them but eat new introductions, i have learnt not to trust big mouthed fish
  9. livingart

    Sore Betta?

    she was already sick and though signs were gone she may have still had it and the change of tank and water conditions brought it all back with a rush would possibly have been better to do a waterchange on that tank rather than move everything into different tanks and water
  10. well done so far nzdiscus, good luck
  11. angels worked for me as well they will stalk and eat fish that fit in their mouths
  12. your answer to legality is here http://www.doc.govt.nz/conservation/thr ... docs-work/ in short no
  13. no the dat sucks another lesson learnt bulldogod i am amazed at the size of fish that fit in other fishes mouths
  14. neat when they get big to see them wing their way out of the undergrowth
  15. yea right very subtle placement
  16. had my surinamensis in with neons and cardinals, slowly lost the neons though
  17. found some delamination in front corner today water ran down from top and into poly, about 2 inches at top where resin hadn't sealed gap :roll: cut out about a 3 foot x 8 inch strip need to let dry then remesh and epoxy coud have possibly got away with it but don't want to move fish once they are in there silicon just peeled off the acrylic, will sand next time
  18. who does that? i exhale a bit of Co2 plus all the other stuff i inhaled bill clinton doesn't exhale anything because he never inhaled in the first place
  19. photobucket have recently installed an anticaryl program
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