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Everything posted by livingart

  1. livingart


    welcome to the forums
  2. little Zev has arrived looking good, lovely people driving the taxi i decided he is too beautiful to eat so have stuffed him and mounted on the wall thanks zev, well done
  3. sorry kttk :oops: we already have too many, so can't help rehome her
  4. if they battle we will batter the bitter betta battler and cook in butter buttered bitter betta battler battered better
  5. i wouldn't have guessed i thought it was hillary posting
  6. they have animal welfare rules and minimum size of crates to comply to
  7. nothing better than boiled betta except maybe a boiled buttered betta maybe better
  8. the inference was tilted towards the boiled fish how could you kill babe or bambi nymox
  9. air nz website i think for info cost 185 to fly an 8 week mastiff pup from tga to invercargill last year don't forget the crate cost
  10. a lady brought in a wild baby rabbit her cat had rescued i took it off her and said i would wrap it up and keep it warm she asked if i would put it in an incubator i said no i would wrap it in pastry and put it in the oven her face looked like this
  11. i have 2 big aros, a jar, giant gourami and a oscar in that size
  12. the bigger the better, going wider gives more room a jardini will remove all smaller tanjkmates eventually
  13. no time, lots of money = buy it spare time, saving money = find it finding it also gets you outdoors and can be an interesting afternoon walk
  14. each bubble of air as it rises carries water on its surface, the movement of the water creates current the more bubbles the more moving water this is how air powered UGF work
  15. we are pc now smidey, they are now called intoxicating drink traps
  16. all the animals mentioned can have their name associated with the word trap
  17. does it have fleas, a skin infection (mange) or reaction to something in its environment find problem before indiscriminately treating
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