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Everything posted by livingart

  1. livingart

    Oh NO!

    no worries i will put it in with the 400+ guppies i got today
  2. the major thing will be if they can carry anything that can infect our native crustaceans both in fresh and marine environments you have some people who have put their hands up now find a specialist, talk to simian start researching diseases carried by these shrimp and are they already present in nz
  3. :oops: made that guess on bottom photo didn't look at rest not a crabro
  4. possibly a bumble bee (pseudotropheus crabro)
  5. livingart

    Oh NO!

    nice one zev he was pretty skinny nymox, you did your best condolences
  6. so long as the centipede doesn't bite them
  7. still cheaper than marine shrimps
  8. sorry alan we need a tongue in cheek emoticon
  9. some clarification? http://www.issg.org/database/species/ma ... flag=false
  10. looking good you could hide the air tubing, sorry blue light i have java growing emersed under 15w
  11. straight and answer do not occur in their allowed associated words list
  12. or a small team do the research themselves
  13. she doesn't shed properly on that part it was on for about 6 months then fell off, it was about 16 years ago you can't quite see it in bottom of photo but there is a piece missing out the side of the shell this is where we extracted the maggots from, this was left open and washed daily for a few weeks the side has now got no hole i was told that she was a euthanasia case as the "T" was cracked and a semi circle at the top of y was fractured and as they can't regrow bone it wouldn't heal properly
  14. so you couldn't stay away have fun adodge and enjoy the trip
  15. thanks for the info nav some old treatments have now been improved on or proved to negate as well as help healing when i first started with turts no one knew anything about them so it was a matter of trial and error nowadays more medically minded or science based people are trialling different treatments which is enhancing our knowledge base when "truck first came to me i had been rung by a vet asking how to repair a cracked shell on a turtle i suggested the fibreglass option, 9 days later she was brought to me very lethargic all limbs and head hanging the shell had been patched with car bondofill, which produces heat while curing picked her up and examined her, then gave her the sniff test, she smelt rotten after picking at the edge of carapace a small piece of shell came away and some not nice stuff came out we flushed the hole that was left behind with saline solution and removed 20 plus maggots the bog had started to lift around the edges and a large piece of shell was coming with it, effectively the middle of the "Y" so the fibreglass was placed over this, 2 x daily salt barhs and a 21 days aBs she floated that side down for about 4 months but slowly straightened up she was dry docked for the first 4 weeks i didn't think she would make it but they are resiliant things PS. donna on a bad side fracture you could glue a flat piece of aluminium or hard plastic bent to shape over the edge to hold the shell out to stop collapse on that side
  16. the fibreglass i used came off in about 6 months with the shell doing its shed she has a patch on her back with no scutes this is her after coming out of hibernation a couple of year after the accident
  17. fracture is solid with no movement now the side fracture and "Y" split in carapace is what Truck" had fibre mat and epoxy resin fixed her
  18. thanks donna i pulled out what shell fragments were visible originally will up baytril dose as i was unsure and used under what veronika recommended i have passed this onto vet turtle has been to vet, diagnosis was the usual vet hadn't heard of baytril bath still eating so able to get ABs orally
  19. lovebirds can be little sods to each other 2 males will get on fairly well it will depend on the individual personalities involved
  20. thanks guys for the help turtle is still active this morning had a bath in baytril and injection this forum is awesome for the helpful and experienced members
  21. get another just make sure it is the opposite sex
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