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Everything posted by livingart

  1. yes will do ballast, any ideas or tips would be handy spoon both hobbies can be done without too great an expenditure if you are prepared to work with other peoples cast offs have got some not going stuff and repaired it then resold on the web what sort of sets did you have?
  2. basically the way i feel stella, they are known to eat kauri snails and giant weta
  3. so what you are saying about brahmins is, no bull then Ira?
  4. you can hang a piece of plastic mesh off the side so long as they can get a grip they can climb
  5. pools are a big killer of hedgehogs usually because they can't climb out well done some of ours are about 30cm and weigh around a kilo
  6. that was the hernia i was refering to suphew maybe a lean mean milking machine
  7. that is some serious bull Ira with a big hernia too
  8. my way of relaxing a town i have just created a problem for myself i bought a set of stockyards for the layout, it came with 6 cows and six bulls problem is i haven't put any fences up yet, so we are having bull fights i need to get rid of 5 of the bulls problem, no people to buy them on the layout
  9. tua, knocked down cameron end of first then KO'd him in second he played the tyson game
  10. but if you say cecotropes you don't get to use a naughty word
  11. also a crowd called shintoshuffle http://shintoshuffle.synthasite.com/
  12. water it down over the next 3 or 4 days till it is just water
  13. your rabbit will have enough flora in its gut already smidey better to feed natural yoghurt with acidophilus and bifidus than vanilla ice cream they are hard work raising from when no hair and eyes are closed but we have had success
  14. yes just leave food there, it may eat when things are quiet it's whole world has changed so will take a few days to sink in
  15. it maybe at an age where it is first coming out of the burrow and going back to still be fed by mum of an evening the females cover the burrow over all day and just feed young 2x a day, evening and morning keep up the goats milk as the more it is handled (within reason) the tamer it will become it should settle quickly, as it hasn't learnt to fear things yet they are basically designed to eat grass and vegetation and need this or other roughage in their diet long term to keep their teeth from growing too long P.S. wrap it up and keep it warm
  16. if it was on the golf course and not in a burrow and its eyes are open it will be eating grass as well you can water down the goars milk by up to 50% greens, carrots, etc, rabbit pellets as well lettuce is just full of water
  17. livingart


    i thought you had got the latest MG sports car with 3 Hot Mommas still attached from the photo shoot
  18. sorry chilli i made the descision on the pool they are just busy at the moment mystic, don't worry
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