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Financial Members
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Everything posted by livingart

  1. very nice twinkles, good job so far do you have an older dog in the household?
  2. thanks mystic she was eating so well i thought she had finished ID looking really good, but then they do get a smorgasbord each day
  3. tangs make a nice mix in a tank
  4. one of our female BT's gave birth to 9 youngsters then 5 days later produced another 3 young and today another 2 but 1 was still born with no tail any one experienced this before? i have previously seen them have some live and some partly formed but not over such an extended period
  5. is yours definitely a female and can you seperate them if necessary
  6. it may only melt it if it touches it big gap and heater secured in centre of it
  7. i didn't ubderstand that from any of the posts so far
  8. well that would be between you and the shop you could always try Phil
  9. looking at a clown loach the mouth is downward facing with little barbels this would suggest they sift through the substrate looking for live foods to eat which would make them primarily a carnivore with some vege content are most wild caught still? if so there is a possibility that some will not settle well to eating commercial foods just some thoughts
  10. my personal thoughts on this is that opening it up can lead to possible abuse by future members or conflict with lfs or wholesalers The ban on it is because in the past it has caused nothing but trouble, people losing money, a law suit, and the FNZAS being blamed when it was nothing to do with us! Phil is commercial so knows what he is doing, imports regularly, and is a recognised business to whom people could direct police or whoever if their business dealings with him went awry. this site is primarily the public face of the F.N.Z.A.S. and was setup to allow hobbyists to communicate with each other and help with problems they faced the F.N.Z.A.S also carries weight as a lobby group with some authorities in nz and therefore needs to be seen as non commercial, ie: for the hobby with no commercial interests whatsoever there are other avenues available to you to communicate with other fish keepers than through this website
  11. livingart

    I have discovered...

    look on google maps and you will find Muff is not far from the coast my eyesight is bad and i misread ira's post
  12. if the earthquake can shake the tank off a well made and fixed stand you probably wouldn't save it anyway
  13. livingart

    I have discovered...

    yes they had to drive to get there
  14. thats why they call me gummy :oops:
  15. angle bracket and bolts to the wall
  16. hadn't thought of that one i have worn cartilage in my shoulders from doing the trapeze, maybe the pain will go away now
  17. Me, Got up this morning and couldn't find the deodarant i knew there was some in my sons van, Graphite in a red can went to the van picked up the red can and applied liberally Trumpetgear and Jas from the forums came in a little later and while talking Jas asked what the smell was i replied maybe a petrol smell so went looking to see if we had a spill somewhere, i could smell it everywhere i went somebody said it smells like CRC spray then i realised the red can i picked up and made myself smell so beautifully with was CRC :oops:
  18. i used to feel the same KP ontil i ran a lps then i found that some of those fish i bought in took awhile to sell, consumeed food, used power and maybe lost some profit made on good buys offset reduced margins on others i sourced from wholesalers
  19. we have costs on motorbike accidents annually, does that include ongoing costs and payments to riiders previously injured? an independant audit would be good
  20. welcome to the forums try your local SPCA they may have a turtle rescue person on their books
  21. sell one to pay for the proposed increase in car rego linked to cc rating
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