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Everything posted by livingart

  1. my big kadango took a beating yesterday don't know who did it as there is no apparent agression in the tank sometimes any female in breeding condition can spark any male to become territorial
  2. so what did you omit from the story that got those random as locals to call the cops who in turn called the arm defenders squad armed with Assult rifles and tasers to raid your place which you share with your dear old gran, sounds like an unplanned trip to shoot up the countryside not too many roads left that don't have someone living on them, and it is hard at night to ascertain what is behind your target or how close housing is what made them chase you? time will tell, you may get stung for the cost of the callout at the least or possibly a loss of firearms license in todays world of driveby shootings, recent standoffs with cops etc random shots in the middle of the night near housing will usually provoke a call to police
  3. giving me ideas is all good so long as you supply the money and time to implement them Sam
  4. the track is an old steel lima track so i told thomas he might need to get a hurry on to testif there was any roughness issues also thomas had been waiting in anticipation for the first run and couldn't contain himself
  5. it maybe a dominance, space or coming of age thing they may sort it out or you may need to seperate them it will depend on how bad it is i gave the others a bigger enclosure maybe someone else has had a similar experience with WDs
  6. personally i would not move the agressor in with the younger one
  7. the scenario is similar but the outcome might not be can you seperate and what is the dynamics between the other 2? could be sorting out the heirarchy any idea on sexes
  8. i had the same situation go on at roughly the same age caught one holding the other under the water, didn't know how long they had been there but the one on the bottom was dead they were in a 5 foot enclosure at the time
  9. at least you can still count the barring in black and white
  10. have you been able to see the culprit it can take a long time watching the tank to observe the total dynamics
  11. for those that are interested a lot of articles can be found here from greater chicago cichlid association http://www.gcca.net/publications.htm
  12. google is my friend i remember Koenig discovering them so googled that yes phoenix in my collection of fishy bits are some papers written by scientists who have studied the diversity of fish species in the african lakes i can remmder bits of them when prompted sometimes i have probably forgotten more than i remember :oops:
  13. a write up by Ad Koenig on the discovery of the dems scroll down http://www.gcca.net/pdfs/Chatter-Mar-99.pdf i also see some of the early photos of them shows fish with different numbers of barring
  14. if you keep them seperate you maybe able to "fix" the strains
  15. in the main entrance area dragon is an old dungeons and dragons one trumpetgear gave me, it likes beef will throw a mix of male guppies in there so you can see the colours in scale they will be "Jaws"
  16. i too have had them together in a community tank, no problems
  17. judging by frogtrucks profile i wouldn't worry about what they said on your auction as i think they might like a stir i think a better quality of photo would be good to make a better judgement the african cichlids are hard because of the great variety found in the lakes personally i only breed in seperate breeding tanks with fish i am positive on as to identity being honest when describing and selling your fish is all you can really do
  18. as i understand it return pipe, returns water back to the tank from sump via a pump overflow pipe takes water from tank to sump water returned to tank then usually flows ot ouf tank through an overflow box/weir via a hole in tank or a syphon setup as described if no hole available
  19. level with i think you could make with irrigation fittings to see how it works
  20. just don't call me late for breakfast
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