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Everything posted by livingart

  1. good to see someone remembered the topic
  2. i didn't realise reef had put that application together he could do the same for species into nz and submit to the fish committee
  3. check your temps or it could be brumation are they fat? and how old are they
  4. welcome to the forum good luck with the application
  5. i was trying to catch your attention
  6. so you are just relaying what someone told you?
  7. Awesome stuff guys, great to see you getting behind the society instead of standing outside it and poking sticks at it................ i suppose at least the society has given you a forum to allow you to poke that stick and discuss topics like this :facepalm:
  8. your interpretation of that please? i know what mine is
  9. i really fail to see any of your points,
  10. not my kind of clown more this has been known to scare smal children
  11. wd's seem to do that a lot i put my light and heat source together so they get the benefit of both
  12. the octopus includes the pump
  13. they usually sit on top of it for warmth
  14. not too sure but dog diseases don't transfer to any native animals bats maybe an exception whereas it is unknown at this stage how many fish diseases will readily transfer to our native fish
  15. i think it would be more than a few dollars
  16. well that was a big read and a comprehensive application to compile a document like that you either have to have a lot of free time and passion or an interest in making lots of money from it to make it worthwhile doing
  17. is there no GST on fish and related products?
  18. compliance costs have risen in most businesses for various reasons import of live fish is a small part of everything bio security deals with import or export of any fish or animal anywhere in the world carries a risk of introduction of diseases to countries where the native wildlife has no natural defence to a new disease regulations are being tightened up all over the world as countries have learnt that introduced fish/animals have become major pests in environments that have evolved without them some cycads were imported into the country only a few years ago, it was then found 3 new diseases had come in with them regulations were changed to prevent this happening again which meant more cost which meant those management costs were passed on
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