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Everything posted by livingart

  1. good to put a face to the name and to meet SWMBO it is amazing the aquatic life right in the city here be nice to put the chiller on your system
  2. sorry to hear chilli good luck with the move you will be able to find lizards and snakes in the back garden soon
  3. :rotf: i used to be good at join the dots
  4. is that when 2 buildings get together?
  5. http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=215288118538726
  6. Welcome aboard sheepsnana Mike will be pleased :sage:
  7. my seahorse tank is similar foot print used 2 x 2 for legs and 3 x 2 for top frame MDF well painted for sides and ply for tank base
  8. interesting to see who got it :smln:
  9. CRC make a good electrical spray
  10. the liver can be messy in the water when minced
  11. http://www.aquariumdomain.com/viewMarineInvertSpecies.php?invert_marine_id=48
  12. Just need a lion or an elephant now
  13. i don't know have to find some used to keep some types of panchax a few years ago
  14. livingart


    hard to keep young shrimp alive but it can be done
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