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Everything posted by livingart

  1. "You can lead a horse to water, but you can not make it drink"
  2. thanks douwe day was good, pavlova for dinner nothing else just lots of pavlova :sick:
  3. thanks jim when will be seeing your ugly mug again?
  4. about a dozen but 3 still have swim bladder issues this may rectify with time
  5. to start off rotifers, then BBS and now 2 week old brine shrimp just started introducing frozen food as well
  6. :sage: young whipper snapper ifn i cud run fast enuff i would catch ya and give ya a whoopin'
  7. thanks different fish in each pic
  8. was it along the lines of, i need one of these
  9. it is the only way to start the day
  10. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=55487 :sage: still going strong had to separate them up due to aggression
  11. :rotf: :sage: thanks for the wishes woke up this morning so i am happy :thup:
  12. pic of male bangaii with a mouthful of eggs
  13. head bites possibly breeding tail bites more likely fighting get bigger enclosures if you want to house them together
  14. :rotf: thanks alan just the info i needed
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