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Everything posted by je_suis_ketan

  1. Wow, that's pretty cool. Hopefully we see more cases of spawning I def have to say they are my fav fish to watch. They do the craziest things when they think no one is watching :lol:
  2. Nice pics. I can never manage to take photos that do my Betta justice. Very nice looking CT.
  3. I don't really want to hold my Plecos, I was just curious because mine seem to bolt away when I just brushed passed them and I always see pics of people holding them. He got me really well though, jumped out the water and splashed me. Caught me by supprise! :lol:
  4. But do they not Thrash around when you pull them out the water? I think my 2 Plecos are really skittish. They tend to swim away (VERY quickly) when someone goes near the tank.
  5. Hey another question from the Newbie :oops: You always see pictures of people holding Pleco's in the palm of their hand. The other day I was vacuuming my tank and brushed up against the side of one of my Pleco's and it made a dash for it and splashed me in the process. Without being to aggressive and hurting the fish, how do people get to hold them or does it depend on the fish themselves and how comfortable they are with you?
  6. Wow that vid is so cool! Is that big clown Sweety from the forum? Clowns are so funny and cool to watch. :lol:
  7. Damn, I thought $10-15 was too good to be true. Currently I have 2 red spot pelco's, one is massive and doesn't really like my plants I don't really know much about Plecos, would like to know which ones don't grow so big :roll:
  8. Thanks Ian I thought the surface area rule was more to do with giving the fish space to swim and turn around etc. I guess they will establish a pecking order depending on the level that they swim at? I'm not sure how I made a double post but the computer was taking a long time so I hit the reload button and I saw two posts! :oops:
  9. What sort of average price do these go for in an LFS?
  10. Just thought I'd raise a question here, but being Hexagonal, I'm guessing that it would be quite tall (deep) rather than long - hence a smaller surface area. Since most stocking ratios/calculations are done based on surface area it wouldn't be able to take as many fish as say a rectangular 100L tank? Not sure if you have thought about it but I figured it would be something worth mentioning. Hope I was of some help Double post removed 8) - Caryl
  11. Hey Welcome to the forum. Nice fish you got there
  12. I concur, If you drove a car at the red line constantly it would break down a lot sooner than say if you drove it sensibly. - Just to give you an engineers opinion
  13. I thought it worked out at 1W per L. When I bought my setup I got a 200W heater for 200L tank. I guess you could look at it that if you get a higher wattage heater than is required for the tank, the heater won't be on as much and will probably last longer. Any thoughts? YAY my 100th Post!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  14. Well that's what I was wondering about, currently my Bettas are in the tank with large Pearl Gouramis, Clown Loaches and two Large Red Spot Plecos. I would have to say that the Bettas are the more dominant fish in the tank second to the larger pleco!
  15. wow that is an impressive Loach! Just wondering what size is the old and the current tank she is in? I have 3 Clown loaches and I love them to bits, though they are a bit shy. But right characters, I reckon they got the title Clown for their character rather than their colour :lol:
  16. hey I was just wondering how much Congo Tetras go for in NZ and what sort of temperament do they have? Would they go alright with Fighters? Or do they tend to nip?
  17. Hey Congrats on your new fish I have 6 of them in my tank. They were quite small when I got them, but they grow pretty darn quick! Have fun. :bounce:
  18. I have my SF with one female, Neons, Emerald eyes, Pearl Gourami, Clown Loaches and a couple of Pleco's. They all seem to get alone fine. Mind you, my tank is a bit bigger than yours lol. I would go with a female and maybe some smaller fish like the emerald eyes.
  19. I'm still new to fish keeping but I don't get why Cardinals are 3 times more expensive than neons????? Yes they are a nicer looking fish but I don't think the price difference justified for what they are. :-? Just my opinion.
  20. je_suis_ketan

    Hello Again

    Welcome back (Singing the Welcome Back song by Mace :lol: )
  21. I had a snail problem. After I got a few Clown Loaches they were all gone! Though I actually wanted the loaches and wouldn't advise buying them just to control your Snail population. But just a suggestion if you were thinking of getting some anyways
  22. What perfect crowning? Just curious, not being sarcastic or anything.
  23. That is a very beautiful fish Just wondering how do you get Betta's to spread their fins like that without another Betta in the tank to get them excited? I've had mine since Feb-ish and this weekend I put a female in the tank and it was the first time I saw him flare up. Looked really impressive I must say.
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