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Everything posted by Milet

  1. okay flag that question i found it on http://home.earthlink.net/~photofish/FreeSwimming.html#top
  2. How fast do they grow? How long before they will resemble an angel fish?
  3. Cheers chris will do.
  4. if ur asking me where i got mine from alan, It was from john AKA waterplantz on trademe.
  5. Thanks! Oh and, are they strictly tropical or would they survive in my pond?
  6. Lol. Thanks Eric. I originally only had two of this plant, but kept triming them once they outgrew my 60L tank and chucked a few trimmings into this tank and now they are huge. So if i put them into a bigger tank, they'll definatly keep growing?
  7. Can someone please tell me if they know what the name of this plant is and how big it gets? Its about 35cm now and grows really quickly and the main stem is getting very thick.
  8. Hey snookie, how big was your fire eel wen you bought it? And how long has it taken it to get the size it is now? Im looking at getting one for a display tank in my games room and just wanted to know how quick it grows
  9. I will try my best to be there, it would be good to see baby angels and get to know more about raising them up. I have a football game in ashburton the same day so hopefully it doesnt take too long to get back
  10. Thanks loopy, i will try my best to be there, it would be good to see angel fry and getto know more about raising them up. I have a football game in ashburton the same day so hopefully it doesnt take too long to get back
  11. Ahh ok THANKS again Alan
  12. The angels laid on sunday 22 april, and now the fry are starting to free swim, but every time they unnattach themselves from the wall, the angels grab them in their mouths and im not sure if they eat them or put them back on the wall. Do they think that they are stil eggs? Should i remove either the fry or the parents yet? Or is it too soon
  13. are ur input and output pipes around the wrong way
  14. Can we?? http://www.aquahobby.com/gallery/e_Myleus_schomburgkii.php
  15. i cant think of any tank mates..well ones that wont eat plants anyways. What do u feed ur knife?
  16. Heya, how big are both of them? Does your eel not uproot plants?
  17. Thanks alan, Do i wait two weeks from when they are free swimming?
  18. Okay this time it seems im more succesfful than the last two times! I left the eggs in with the angels so they could raise them. They have done a great job and now the fry are still stuck to the filter (which is turned off) but they have grown eyes now. Should i remove the parents now? Or when the fry are freee swiiming? or do i jsut keep them in there? Theyve done a great job raising them i just worried that they might eat them once they are free swimming?
  19. Snookie said exactly wat i was going to. Plastic ones or invisible ones
  20. u tried tha nursery by pet world or the warehouse yet?
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