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Everything posted by Milet

  1. I Know it seems like a DUMB question, but what are sum ways to make a hill or raised section in your substrate stay there? I Try every time i start up a new tank but eventually all the stones end out even. Help meeeeeee
  2. Ohhhok i got one suri, so that should be alright ay?
  3. Will a Geo atack or eat anything smaller than it? Or is it mainly eating stuff off the substrate? Becuase i was going to put mine in with my grow out tank to clear out all the sand, but theres small fish like kuhli loaches, tetras baby BN, baby Guppies and more.\ ????
  4. That would be real cool ay. Im just gonna start with my 4footer in the mean time tho. Its still just a plan but i think im going to take the Two angels, two severums, plecos and eartheater and put them in the amazon biotope and see how it looks
  5. Are geos from the amazon? I was thinking about dividing up my tanks into biotopes and one was gonna be an amazon.
  6. Cheers Luke, Nah havent added CO2 into my tank, wasnt going to use it for plants, but decided to chuck in the plants and grow them up for my main tank. Going to do a huge prune up today i think and replant it all in my new tank
  7. Thanks Sub.z! Oh cheers for that link davidb that helpd heas
  8. STUPID ME!! Today i emptied my main tank and moved the fish to a temporary tank while i put in my 4footer in place of the old one. I got all the fish out and had the water half siphoned out untill i saw the slate was covered in eggs!! I quickly put it into the tank i had setup for the eggs but over half have turned white now, was this coz i had them out of the water for a few mins and now they are dead? Dumb ay
  9. Caryl u got me worried about my fish lol now im tossing up the idea of selling the yellow or trading him for something else
  10. I'm looking at collecting sand from the local beach to use in my 250L tank that im about to set up. Since its gonna cost a bit to buy that much substrate im going the cheap way. Just a few things i need to know: Will it clog up my filter? Its an Internal one at the moment but i think im going to buy an external off the neighbour. I found out that sand is best for my suranimensis but i also read somewhere that some sand can damage there gills. i think thats it... And any advice on collecting it from the bwach and cleaning it etc would be great. thnks!
  11. real? this next questions slightlty off topic, but is sand from the beach ok?
  12. 268 Angels? I'll try get there loopy since im just off hoon hay road, but got a lot to do today. Might cya there
  13. Cool thanks. Why do you say that about the plants? They have been alright with plants, with the exception of the suranimensis uprooting all the smaller plants and someone eating all the ambulias.
  14. I dont have water in there either :roll: But once the water is in there, its gonna have lots of plants lol... I dont know what the max WATTs is for the enerrgy saver light bulbs. How much watts should i have through my tank when i have plants?
  15. Touch wood indeed. All fish are about the same size
  16. I hope so too caryl, but i doubt it, it's probably the most peaceful fish in the tank, apart from the severums. It spends most of its time in its cave.
  17. What would the recomended amount be for a 250L?
  18. Milet

    This or that

    (mmm that sounds so good right now) strawberries Soccer or Rugby
  19. Milet

    This or that

    dog Vanilla coke or normal coke
  20. The tank has not been set up yet which is why i was asking. The tank is 1220mm Long X 460mm High X 460mm Deep. I have quite a few plants to put in there from my growout tank. And in the tank are two large angels, two large severums, one suranimensis, 2 plecs, 2 BNs, algae eater, moonlight and snakeskin gourami, (and yes i know most people wouldnt recomend the mixture but....)one electric yellow. And my next question is, i have two places for light bulbs, will 20W each light be enough or two much?
  21. The yellow is in my tank and is sweet with all the other fish. It's about 13cm+
  22. ive been looking at making one of these too, so this helps quite a bit! What fish like a strong water flow?
  23. Milet

    java moss

    I just sat some of mine on one of those bark tunnel ornaments with both sides dug under neath the tunnel, it clung on in about two weeks maybe less
  24. Okay then thats all good, just thought it might be a bit bright for all the fishies 8)
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