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Everything posted by Milet

  1. Once it gets this big, Im going to struggle to find it an friends lol. What do people to once they get too big? Fillets?:roll: :-?
  2. Lol juicy worm. If i was to get an eel, i would have to replace my whole substrate as my stones are quite sharp-ish
  3. lol my hand got too tired holding it there too long
  4. Ohh ook thanks How do i catch earth worms? Lol i havnt tried since i was at primary school..
  5. Thanks lol how do you learn all this coelacanth you should write a book on Knife fish . I clearly have a lot of researching to do. i just checked the pieces of prawn, they have been moved but doesnt really look like any is eaten. I will put in a guppy or two at bed time.
  6. Thanks evilelmo and coelacanth(again ). Evilelmo-Was your peacock eel from organism and $40? I dont think ive seen them (well that name anyway) but i googled it, and it looked like what he had as "banded eel". Okay, so its going to be between an eel or ghost knife most probably, assuming clown knifes will be alrite with them.
  7. Thanks coelacanth. i might go have a look for some worms now, its raining for the first time in ever. Can someone please tell me about clown knives eyesight? Are they blind? Because it sits in the darkest part of tank, and i just turn the lights off, and i shun the light from my video camera (very bright) and he stuck his head out of the cave in the light, and wen i turned the light off, he went back home. So can someone please clear their eyesight up for me lol. Thank you all:)
  8. Thanksss Tracey. I aint too sure on what the LFS what feeding him, i forgot too ask. Im just defrosting a prawn now to cut up and ill try that.
  9. Frozen shrimp - do they have to be cooked or fresh or not really matter?
  10. Milet


    Welcome ewo. I have malayan trumpet snails and they dont eat my plants. i dont know about them dieing and contaminating the tank, i havnt had any problems like that..
  11. Hmm, how big is yours? I might throw in the guppy at lights out.
  12. So far ive tried feeding him frozen bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp, flakes and cichlid pellets but to no success. He just stays in the big cave, even at night. Anyone found a good food for their knifefish and a good way to encourage him to eat? I was thinking about chucking in a few guppies. Also, is there a sort of lighhtbulb i can buy that it will make it think its night time but allows me to view him? Thanks
  13. I Was thinking about one or two of the following for a tank mate: Fire or Tyre Track eel, Black ghost knife, giant gourami, big clown loach or a pictus catfish. There is already a semi large pleco in there. What you think?
  14. yeah i found they spend hardly anytime in the water
  15. aaron you should have bought it for me then
  16. They only had one in the tank but probably more out back, because it was buy 2 get one free and theyd loose 2 much money ispose
  17. lol i know. Will they eat fish (from fillets) and prawns etc when it grows that big? it will ay?
  18. i thought it was a lil bit cheap. When i asked to buy it, the lady never even knew it was there so it cant have been there for long
  19. What about putting them into a large pond/lake type thing? How well would that work as a breeding attempt?
  20. thanks for that northland chic. evil elmo-$30 tower junction animates.
  21. no worries coelacanth:)
  22. Gues i got more researching to do. Its a pretty kool looking fish
  23. lol fishy_t k then bdspider, thanks
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