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Everything posted by Milet

  1. Milet


    Ooh do you have any pics Bill? Or was it a bit before digital cameras? Yeah people keep saying that mangroves are common, altthough i dont think we have any down south, probably too cold
  2. Milet


    yeah lucky ive got a couple already huh?
  3. Milet


    Cool, kinda like ones in the pic? Wanna set up something like this pic, but on a smaller scale.
  4. Yeah what would be the bad things about siliconing a peice of glass or Perspex to make a shelf to hold some sand/dirt?
  5. Wow! those tanks are awesome Close to what im looking at doing, but more like a part that comes right out of the water for the archerfish to shoot crickets of branches
  6. Has anyone got a good way to make a Raised dirt or sand bank? Kinda like a river bank, with a grass and small mangroves or something. Its mainly to make my 4 foot tank a bit different and for the lil bugs to sit in becuase im getting some archerfish soon. Any ideas on this? Or even for creating a natural enviroment for a Archerfish or Figure Eight puffers
  7. lol kool. im after some more Figure eights but its gonna be a whle b4 anyone else gets any in.
  8. Make sure u check under all ur rocks, ornaments, plants etc too
  9. Before i noticed a tetra chasing something up and down the glass. i lookd a little bit closer and there was a small white thing, about the width of a hiar and less than a millimetre long, barley visible; swimming along the glass. What could this be? Its way tinier than any fry ive seen in the tank is 1 bn, 1 pleco, 2 F8 puffers, 2 kribs and 9 neons. Thanks
  10. Whats a good filter that i can use for a small tank for growing up my angel fry in? Prefferably one that doesnt run off a air pump. The fry are still very tiny, only a coupel of weeks old. Thanks in advance
  11. I'd be keen on 1 male and 2 female Leopardfish and maybe 1 or 2 jordanellas
  12. i Thought BNs max size was 12cm?
  13. Does anyone know where to get mangroves from if we can get them here? Or anything simliar to recreate a sort of estuary look for my pufffers? Thanks
  14. thats good to hear loopy nice pic too.
  15. What else can i feed my puffers? They dont like flakes. Ive nearly ran out of snails, and i dont buy bloodworms often. Ive read somewhere that they'll eat some sorts of shellfish etc? Which ones? Cooked or fresh? And the puffers are only small...
  16. lol i doubt ill be seling these any time soon but okay
  17. Thats an awesome tank with awesome fish!!! Wherebouts did ya get ur sand and driftwood??
  18. How are your puffers loopy? I love mine
  19. Milet

    Banded Eel?

    think zigzag spiney eel was closest looking but couldnt find any more info so invested in some puffers insttead
  20. thanks smidey ill just stick to one pair for now until i make some dividers up
  21. awesome thanks loopy :D I was wondering where to find a page that tells ya all that! Now its just a matter of finding them
  22. Heres my new lil dudes i picked up tihs evening. They dont know what to do with themselves, they just sit in one spot. I think 4foot may be too big for them...And i think i need more plants. The bigger one, which sits under a mouses ear plant. And The Smaller one who sits in the corner. Aint he cute!?!?
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