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Everything posted by Milet

  1. Hmm could pay for me to research the waterfall part a bit more. Is anyone here good with plants? Not aquatic plants though. I Just want to know what to do about the watering of the plants and drainage etc.
  2. For the dry land with plants, how would I go about watering the plants and draining the excess water etc
  3. Ohok, two heaters might take up a bit of room, I have a 300Watt that I thought might do? Thats a good idea for the waterfall, I wonder what would look more realistic? Maybe if i had it squirting the water into a bunch of rocks, then down onto my slate fall? Or Some stone-covered PVC filled with rocks? I am going to do that chickenwire idea with climbing plants, but attached to the perspex walls, to hide whats behind it. Thanks Markoshark
  4. Thanks David. Yeah was thinking about the slate idea would look real nice. I was just worried about the splashes and sprays, as with perspex tunnel i could point it where i want the flow, but im sure ill work something out for slate . So the out put from my filter would actually work good? And Yeah the tanks in the corner of my bedroom, so the L shape would suit the corner its in. Thanks again davidb. Anyone else got there 2 cents worth?
  5. Okay, the following is my plans so far for my planted paludarium. This is not going to be my final attempt at doing this, rather a "Trial and Error" or a draft, so I have something to learn off when constructing one on a larger scale for reptiles and fish together. To get an idea of what they are and what they look like, have a look at http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/how-to-make-a-raised-bank-river-bank-paladarium-vt21218.html My tank is 1220X460X460 mm and I'm running a Fluval 404 through it. I need help with in this project are; Materials for the shelf to hold substrate, technique for holding the walls together, where to put my input and output for my filter, possibly creating a waterfall with my filter output, and I'm sure I'll have a million more questions since I don't stop asking them. In the tank at the moment are 2 Figure Eight Puffers, 10 Neons and 1 Pleco. The water is strictly fresh, but once I have completly sorted out my dry land and tank, I'll be removing Neons, Pleco and some of the Aquatic Plants. So then I will be slowly adjusting the tank to brackish water and adding my friends Archers in once the waters right. Here are some rough ideas of what I want to accomplish. Note: This is not all that will be in the tank, I'm just showing how I am thinking of doing the Dry land part of it. OR Question Time: 1. For the walls, I was thinking of using Clear Perspex. Attached with a lot of strong silicone. And possibly some small strips of perspex where the substrate will be (between tank wall and perspex) siliconed in for extra support. Will this be strong enough? 2. Filter/Waterfall. Would it work if I had the filters output going onto a slope? Kinda like the end of a hydroslide, made with bent perspex. 3. Which of the diagrams do you think would be best? Just the back wall, or the L Shaped garden. 4. In the raised land, I'm planning on having; a few small pieces of driftwood hanging over the ledge and some into the water, for the archer fish to shoot bugs of. Some small plants like grass, moss or some plants from a specific region if i choose to stick to a specific biotope. Would plants work, what would be the pros and cons and what plants would look good? 5. Also, I'm going to have a go at growing some mangroves. I don't know how successful it will be, but I may as well give it a go. I was thinking that if I tried growing them in the dry land, the roots might push out the perspex? Or I could try growing them fully submerged. Well thats all the questions for now LOL! Oh and, Do you think this could work at all or am I just wasting my time? Any Suggestions would be great! Thank you for taking the time to read ALL of this
  6. I have a large school of Tiger barbs, they look awesome and wont get as big as school sharks or torpedos. And are heaps cheaper
  7. Cool. Probably not, but gives me an idea of how much they are. Thanks
  8. Milet

    Hi All

    Welcome to the site
  9. Remember a price? I really want one
  10. Ewww. Perhaps ill skip the native fish question for this tank
  11. Another question by me.... :roll: I searched first to solve it myself but couldnt find anything. Are mudskippers available to us? Has anybody seen any in NZ before? Thanks
  12. the crabs? or puffers lol atleast i wouldnt have to feed them as much
  13. hmm true. What about crabs? i saw before on some website some guy had a sort of crab in with puffers.
  14. Think kahawai will get too big and jump lots?? What bout spotties or some sort of rockpool fish
  15. Okay thanks peeps, once i reaarrange the tank ill slowly add salt with each water change. Thanks for the snails hans, the puffers cant wait
  16. Milet


    Cheers mate. So many choices on what to do with my tank i dont know haha.
  17. A few more questions about my puffers. 1. When people say they feed prawn chunks, mussels, crabs etc....Are they cooked, or fresh? Or does it not matter? 2. When I bought my puffers, the guys i bought it off said they had Adjusted it to fresh water a year ago, if i wanted to adjust it to a brackish tank, how would i go by this? Just chuck them in? I just read that they will thrive and live longer in brackish environment. Thanks
  18. Milet


    Cheers bill for the help again. This here is an awesome setup, what made me want to it, just couldnt find the link till now. http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org/2000.cgi?&op=showcase&category=1&vol=-1&id=93 I know, impossible for me to do, but would the sand hills stay there? Or after time wouldn't they flatten out?
  19. dixon is my brother and uses the family trademe account to upload photos
  20. Yeah was thinking about the temp being the major problem. Lol i doubt my puffers would attack anything. They are scared of everything :lol:
  21. Just been searching around and found a few links to something more similiar to what im looking at doing. Called a Paludarium.. http://freshaquarium.about.com/cs/paludriums/l/blpaludarium.htm http://badmanstropicalfish.com/paludarium/paludarium.html http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org/2000.cgi?&op=showpage&name=view-paludarium
  22. Hi all, Just looking at all my options before setting up my brackish tank. Is there any natives that will live in a Brackish tank?? Maybe small yellow-eye mullet, whitebait etc? Many thanks
  23. Thanks bill, will try this out in my 3 footer to test it out, along with some other ways.
  24. What sort of snails are in there
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