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Everything posted by Navarre

  1. yes 3 types of snail in that tank. hard to get rid of and keep fry going bloody things
  2. most rare breed societys consider pure as f4. these would be f1 Good luck
  3. Sorry for poor quality Brichardi albino Chocolate Cichlids Guppy Blue Diamond Calvus sp Black Comps sp fire fin Guppy Ahli Angels Albino Fronts sp Red Guppy Threadfin Rainbows Firemouths
  4. it really is a great book. I gave 2 copies away as gifts and have lent mine out a few times as well thanks Stella
  5. You can say that again
  6. Navarre

    Altos :)

    Lol. was thinking the same but thought better of it. lol
  7. Mechanical filtration works on slower water movement so a sump or extra filter might be the answer
  8. Important am not just a fan...i am a cichlidiot
  9. :dunno: !drool: !drool: !drool: i want some
  10. well done and good luck guess thing to do is keep and eye on area at next shed to make sure no skin encircling the area well done
  11. dovii or not flying with fish is a little hit and miss pack fish in teh usual way and then in a cooler bag say nothing go thru security and when the ask show them then keep going have done thsi a dozen times and never been turned back and I have always been VERY grateful for peopel who have done it for me as well HTH Navarre
  12. Navarre

    Happy Birthday L.A.!

    the old grey mare aint what she used to be aint what she used to be ...so we shot it. getting close mate...pfft happy birthday
  13. great is odd weather atm hope this trip is better than last
  14. I think it looks horrid youneed practice I have a tank you can practice on until you get it right Isnt that nice of me
  15. pfffft might be Alan Might be i want one of those horny devils
  16. rather than using the compost you could use the heat for example...and I am making this up as I go...a leangth of black alkathyne coiled in your compost heap and then running and wrapped around your tub. syphoning water as it heats out of and back into a resivour would be a cleaner more controlable way to utilise the heat. also means you can have a compost "bin" rather than masses of compost heaped up around your valuable fish
  17. let me know if you want these guys http://www.rarebreeds.co.nz/enderbyrabbit.html taste good too
  18. hatch some brine shrimp ? check any standing water lakes, slow moving streams troughs and water tanks that are in disuse before you do that tho set up some containers and add a handfull of grass, manure, yeast or some other such food and let it sit ( depends on size to how much) then you can add some of what you collectto each of these so you have a supply Of course if you do run out of food for axy babies they will just eat each other so its not that big a deal eh HTH
  19. remove all offal keep kidneys liver and heart these can be sauted as and entree or served seperately in aspec or on toast with field mushrooms and thinly sliced fennel or red onion if you prefer a sweeter dish bacon can be added as well joint as needed usually rack shoulders and hind quarters brown in a hot pan and reserve in same pan flash off some onions and garlic fennel celary and carrots ( i leave carrots whole and discard later) add wine (red or white) and degalze pan return rabbit and add stock and place over either a low flame or in an oven at low heat for 1 1/4 hours add assorted root veggies and return to oven for 45 mins or so. with last 15 mins with lid off to help reduce sauce. if you have not added Kumara or potatoe serve over mashed same if you have serve stand alone or with rice and/or flat bread Is that what you were thinking?
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