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Everything posted by Navarre

  1. Navarre

    inspire me

    4x18 x 12 runs a sump too....hmmmm
  2. Navarre

    inspire me

    never had a marine tank hmmm might be worth considering as I am running on a sump system in one of the 6x2x2 hmmm
  3. Please tell me you are NEVER past that Please ....lol....
  4. any other babies this year Repto? hmmm
  5. Navarre

    inspire me

    hmmm let me think about that last suggestion Sophia...um NO!
  6. Navarre

    inspire me

    hmmm Tang tank or Sophia's suggestion. hmmmm thinking thinking
  7. ahhh beat them every day. feed them once a week...even if they dont need it. oh oh that reminds me of that old saying...you know Your dog, your wife and yoru walnut tree ( yes in that order) the harder you beat them the better they be and um er ...none I know of. The week of fathers day I hate going to the mail box...just in case and yes now you know why I am single and penniless and here all the time
  8. !drool: !drool: !drool: !drool: !drool: !drool: !drool: Get the hint where do I sign up...oh thats right I have NO money ...lol Hurry up EQC Nav
  9. Navarre

    inspire me

    so soon....i am told...have been told that since March 11 :dunno: :roll: :dunno:...house will be repaired. This will leave me with my 2 6x2x2 a 4x18x12 and a planeted up corner tank to put back in place and restock,landscape and s et up...not in that order of course. How/What/Who would you do it? All inspiring suggestions welcome....lol Fish I have already in my room are Alto gold head red fin and black Albino and standared Brichardi Discus Whips Royal Whips panda Cory Guppiesx 1000 Gouramis x 4 types Rams 9 types of Plec Angels T bars Firemouths Chocolates gold shellies rainbows fryeri red fronts normal fronts platies luelepi Rusties Plants ...lol u name it and anything i can buy from here or else where Nav
  10. well there are pleanty of cichlidots here just ask away if you need any help. Happy to help if we can Nav
  11. Welcome Good luck with new tank Caryl you are slipping What she really meant was that we expect photos and a matching article on your new tank set up so that it can go in the mag Oh and again welcome
  12. LOL Donna, That is how you have to treat Australians so she is used to explaining everything 3 or 4 times. Makes sense I suppose Me I am awaiting my 5th assessment before the Fletchers manager signs off on the scope of works for a 3rd time so the builder who has been waiting for 5 months and been here twice already can actually start work. Meantime my roof leaked again today with this rain and I have a large pool of water running off my pink batts and onto my hall wall and floor...yah...and still no floor in 2 rooms. Still one winter with no floor and Holy walls is ok it is sleeping on a matteress on teh floor and living out of a suitcase that sh@ts me casue I was told to pack all my stuff and put in storage so builder could start in March 11. Hope it gets done before winter this year as last winter was LONG and I need flatmates to help pay mortage Lucky me
  13. wow pond has come on so much since i saw it last looking great
  14. you have a Mantoux test in ur lower forearm. if thsi reacts u dont get BCG if it doesnt u do. BCG is in top of deltoid and usually forms a cyst which can take a few weeks to heal once thsi happens then u have cover should be checked with mantoux every 5-10 years think thats about it Hepatits is checked by blood test. 67 different types of Hep most common are a b and c HTH Nav
  15. HI And welcome. might be bestto add ur location in the memebrs bit of ur profile also maybe add ur tank details in ur post and we can help a bit more Good luck Nav
  16. I have a number of empty tanks in my room and spare tanks if u need them heaters and filters as well Nav
  17. Navarre

    Fish ID

    Not a nic. rivulatus maybe
  18. Does anyone have any experience with these tanks?
  19. like like i have to pick ONE????
  20. whats the story with the fronts? what do you mean?
  21. Were imported as S. ahli shipment released 3rd august 2011
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