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About GZ_Loach

  • Birthday 03/19/1991

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  1. viewtopic.php?f=4&t=50854&hilit=project&start=60 Beginners may also come up with something like this
  2. Listed for sale again, maybe someone is in the market for a large tank :spop:
  3. Might as build it into your house, plywood sides, glass front
  4. carve out a poly block, lots of depth then :digH: :sml2:
  5. my tank 200 x 90 x 60 in 12mm glass cost $1400 (if i remember correctly), i was also quoted $1000 by another company but they were going to make it slightly different. Tell that glazier asking for $2400 for a small tank to shove it up..
  6. It won't be anywhere near as cheap as the last tank tho :sml1:
  7. This tank is for sale, PM me if your interested.
  8. i accidently droped a few and they actually implode :spop:
  9. I've thrown grapefruit into the harbour and watched the fish go nuts over them
  10. New bore, yes. Old bore from the 70's, no. Pretty stable
  11. They could all fit into my 1100L tank that is for sale :thup:
  12. I would scrap that filter and buy a new aquaone cannister filter, like 1200+ . You will be amazed how much better it will clean the water and provide good circulation. I actually had that same brand filter (same condition by the looks of it) on a 400L tank i bought and i had it running for a 4 days before i biffed it.
  13. I've never arranged my tank and then filled it up, i do it the other way around
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