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Everything posted by bulldogod

  1. Feed them to beardies occasionally and they love them
  2. Done that at Pukekohe one, manager came out and promised to fix it, sounds like he didnt.
  3. never seen them in birkenhead.. what part of town you in? Birkenhead, north shore, Auckland
  4. cool pics, How big is your tank for water dragons? Any pics? Thinking of getting one now :roll:
  5. Got heaps of them running around here.
  6. Is that one still there, mananger told me he was going to sort it out.
  7. What sort of lights are people using for there lizards? Had to buy one today and all they had was Arcadia 15w, 6% uvb,$65. Had mercury vapor lamp before that and was great but dont know if you can buy them here? Can anyone get them?
  8. Good old hatchbacks, ours has carried many a tank
  9. nice, you can usually tell cover ups but thats really good
  10. That sucks mate, happened to me few months ago.
  11. Has anyone tried fixing one of those black mdf stands, This one is swollen and splitting away at the joins?Not sure how they are held togeather as was thinking of replacing some bits???
  12. Really, a paint stripper that is non toxic?
  13. I thought they like insects and ate heaps insects but sounds like they dont.
  14. Nice artwork everyone. I have 90% of my body covered in artwork
  15. I agree witrh navarre, start insect breeding program first..
  16. Wow, This is really sad news, my deepest condolences.
  17. Yeah seen those pics but wanted to see it set up in someones tank.
  18. Welcome, good to see you picked best part of NZ to live in
  19. They have a bit of nutritional value if you coat them in vitamin powder and calcium powder
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