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Everything posted by bulldogod

  1. What size is the tank? -4ft tank What kind of filtering system does it have? -fx5 What is the temperature (have you checked it today?) -25.8 What is the pH of the water? -6 Have you done any other tests on the water? - no other tests What have the loaches been eating? -shrimp brine,cichlid crumble, jbl Have you noticed anything unusual about the water recently? Colour? Smell? -all seems good, water change yesterday Have you been using any medications, anything to adjust pH, get rid of algae etc? -no How bg are the loaches and how long have you had them? -about 4 inches, had 5 of them for about 3,4 months Have you introduced any new fish recently or made any other changes?-new fish bout month ago They stikll not looking good, dont look like they will survive, only 2 out of five of them are sick ???
  2. Just foud two of my loaches looking really sick, one looks bloated and other looks really red around face, the other 3 look ok so far but these two dont look good at all. any ideas, ive put them in another tank but dont know wot else to do?
  3. Looks really cool, What is the Substrate?
  4. Cool, Thats the one, one I just got is got really cool colouring, blueish colour on head and body.
  5. David R, can you post a pic of your sev, you had one up here while ago but I carnt find it,
  6. The one in Glenfield was for sale, the guy showed it to me and told me how much it was
  7. This one is only 8 months so I will wait .Just wasnt sure when could start them
  8. There was one same size at there store in glenfield, Im no expert but seems way to young
  9. Thats a Jag cichlid :oops: :oops:
  10. Just bought a jas cichlid and carnt believe how much stones it can move, rearranges the whole tank, when it starts moving the stones it seems like it starts getting territorial and chasing other fish, anyway is there any way to stop fish doing it? would having bigger pebble type stones help?
  11. Start breeding insects before buying beardie.
  12. Tried to feed them greens, but dont think they ate it till bit bigger, any small insects, locusts, crickets,
  13. anything really, feed ours that mesculin salad, fruit,capsicum, peas,etc
  14. cool, forgotten how small they are, didnt think breeders let them go that young, When I got mine was told by breeder not to feed em mealworms that young?
  15. 1. Dont know 2 . I have heat running 24/7 in the winter and dont use it in the summer 3 Dont think it matters if young or adult? Have my temp at about 25-29 and basking spot is about 45-55 4 Greens, any insects, mealworms, supplements are calcium powder and a vitamin powder 5 Proberly, heat the room up with heater
  16. Ive lost gregs(tankmaker) number and email, Can anyone pm me with it or here.Thanks
  17. My partner wasnt into fish at all BUT now has seen the light, Only one she sees as hers is the oscar, The rest are jointly owned. She does waterchanges and feeding,
  18. Bought a tank today and heres a few pics of fish, any info on them would be cool and if anyone knows what the catfish is? . not sure what the fish at back is? Leaf fish??? ....Green severum???? LOVE this one
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