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Everything posted by bulldogod

  1. looking good,would take me weeks to get to that stage :oops:
  2. Mine went into brumation end of march and today he was out and about, feeding and basking. Do they have more than one brumation? Not even cold weather yet? Maybe hes just out for a feed? What are others doing?
  3. saw some for sale today at Bird Barn if anyone interested, $1500 each.
  4. what is the PT&E ? I just bought 2 borneo tigers today, have them in own tank at the moment but going to try them with sevs and oscar see how they go??? Really cool looking fish.
  5. Lucky. Think I will sit mine in bucket or something similar now :-?
  6. yeah Total, how did you get rid of them repto? Was going to get a chemical insect type bomb but got locust tanks and fish and dragons so partner is just throwing everything out of the kitchen.
  7. Started noticing them in spare room, then they shifted in with the mealworms, but now they are still hungry and have got into everything in kitchen cupboards :-?
  8. I dont think they they are maggots. we have been invaded by some that look similar
  9. its a crazy world and how about kiwifruit?
  10. Oscar is about 22cms and flowerhorn is about 13cm , just started looking for tiger.oscar and flowerhorn get on well but setting up another tank so time for change around.
  11. Do these fish generally get on with other fish, would love to get one or two to go with my oscar or with flowerhorn?
  12. My 1 year old beardie(inside) has been in his cave for 2 weeks now, first time Ive had one brumate, Ive turned his lights out and just left heater on. My other one is still out and about.Id also be keen to hear from others.
  13. To pretty for me, like my oscar as he/she is
  14. Hope some of these help, would look cool in that type design.
  15. As has been said, live food and right temp, our basking site is round 45, 50 but nothing beats the real thing(outside in the sun)
  16. bulldogod

    Hi Everyone

    Welcome, cool fish.
  17. Will have to go have look, was up there thursday and saw what thought was green sevs.
  18. British bulldogs are good example, so many people who claim to breed for the love of dogs and to better the breed yet they breed for looks, to win titles at shows and get big bucks for pups.Health is terrible with them and that is what should be addressed. Hers pics of my red shouldered sev and a red spotted sev,
  19. If you have a golden fish and breed it with red one of same type of fish (severums) does this make them hybrids?Apparently the golden isnt dominent in breeding so its alrite to do this to get red line going. Im reasonably new to fish but its wrong to me. If ya breed a bulldog with a staffy but the staffy isnt dominent in breeding then its still a cross, not purebred.Surely same with fish. Wrong.Wrong.... :evil:
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