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Everything posted by bulldogod

  1. Im putting following fish in and whatever doesnt fit in is going , Oscar, 2x borneo tigers, 3xseverums, pleco, flowerhorn, 5x silver dollars, and a rarely seen upside down catfish. Just finished setting it up, will post pic soon.
  2. bulldogod

    FX5 filter

    Mines great but today had to pay $60 for 4 metres of hose :evil:
  3. Yeah I want to algae, Tried meths and didnt all come off so think I will Take iras advice
  4. Thanks, half way thru it now, just waiting for water to heat up, Im hoping they are compatible to.
  5. Ok, Ive got 12 fish in 2 seperate tanks and I am going to put them all in a new 5ft tank.If I fill the new tank up with tap water then will that kill all the good stuff in filter? would it be alright to put all these fish in at once and into new water?????????????????????
  6. Thanks livingart, and broms2, good to finally meet you.
  7. I had to have dirty vegetarian sausages :oops:
  8. I just rang them and they sent out forms.
  9. Is there any way to clean the green crap off silicon inside tank, I dont want to scrub to hard .???
  10. Someone was telling me today that if I wanted my fish to grow bigger then need to do heaps of water changes, 3x week or even daily water changes and said would notice big change in growth. anyone tried this. Want to bulk up my oscar and flowerhorn
  11. cool, what are the fish witrh clowns?
  12. Thats the ones mystic,cool, will set one up until new tank arrives.Have you just got heater suckered onto side
  13. Yeah, Thats what I was worried about too. I guess if heater has those sucker things on them then they wont be right up on the plastic,should be far enough away from it aye.
  14. Would those plastic storage bins that you can get from the warehouse be alright to use as a fish tank for a few weeks?? Was thinkin of throwing a heater and filter in one to hold my fish. ??? Any one used one ?
  15. Im always after more Dollars , Yeah they are silver dollars, The three un wise men
  16. I saw that one, hes dreaming :-?
  17. I had his card but lost it, can anyone PM me his number?
  18. Are you making your own heat pads?
  19. bulldogod

    Fish Pics

    I must clean the glass next time :oops:
  20. Has anyone got any these for sale in Auckland?
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