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Everything posted by Bananalobster

  1. If you do not have any test kits it might pay to take a sample of your water down to a local pet shop.. That way you can rule out whether it is the water quality or not.
  2. Sounds like a little bit of sediment still hanging round in the water. What do you use as substrate? If its fine sand etc it will stay there for a while. Should clear though give it some time.
  3. Well they are about 3mm long atm lol so probably quite a while
  4. Has anyone had any success in breeding any of them?
  5. Wow I had no idea that natives had such pretty colors! Im so jealous and now you've made me want to set up another tank! :oops: Just a quick question.. Do you need to run chillers on these tanks to keep them cool through the summer months?
  6. Man thats so stupid :evil: ! They should employ one of you fishy people to make the list that way we could get just about anything :lol:
  7. Im not sure if it will come down... Maybe it would after a few weeks underwater with lots of water changes? I did look into this a while back for an african tank but then again I WANTED it to make the ph higher. So didn't really research trying to make it go back down to 7. Sorry I can't help more maybe someone else has done this and knows some tricks?
  8. Thanks for the advise guys very helpful as always If I start seeing little wiggly tails I will try moving them into my breeder net in the main tank. Would like to save them but if these guys are at it in another ten or so days im going to start getting over run lol!
  9. I believe it will make the ph alot higher.
  10. Hey all! I have a quick question for you.. I have a pair of dwarf gourami's that spawned about 9 days ago and the fry are fine and going strong... Problem is now the pair is back in the main tank and have already decided to spawn again lol. I'm thinking I can't put the new ones in with the older ones.. So is there a way to save these lil guys? Another tank setup isnt really an option.
  11. Wow those colors are amazing !! nice work!!
  12. But these things can grow to two metres long in the wild? Wont you be stunting their growth in anything smaller than a swimming pool :lol: ?
  13. Not sure if siamese fighters are the same... But when my gourami's spawned i couldnt see any eggs either... I think they look exactly like the tiny bubbles that make the nest. The first time I realized I had babies was when there was little tails hanging out of the nest lolz. Not alot of help but I guess what im saying is maybe they have spawned?
  14. Don't really have an answer to that question, but alot of people have been asking about flukes lately and I am also having to treat for these, is it a fluke invasion? Who knows?
  15. http://article.discusnews.com/cat-02/flukes1.shtml This is a website that popped up when I googled "Gill flukes".
  16. Well I doubt this is very reliable so pardon me.... But I know supermarkets have HEAPS of them, used to get them from there for free all the time.
  17. I'm not too clued up on this so may be wrong, but could it be flukes? They are like little worms that attach themselves to fish, and fish almost act itchy. Might want to wait for one of the other more experienced members to comment on this before medicating though.
  18. Congrats on the new tank! If I bought another tank I think my partner would strangle me lol. Cant wait for the photos!
  19. I have four electric yellows in my 3ft. Although the foot print is larger at about 45 x 45. They are happy and the females are always holding . You could always try it if it doesnt work its just an excuse to get a bigger tank :lol: win win situation!
  20. I agree I believe they pair up and any other blue rams would probably be pushed away or picked on. Although growing a few up from juvies is a good way to find pairs.
  21. Great pics diffgirl kristy looks huge! What a nice lil family 8)
  22. No scales sticking out or anything? If it doesnt look uncomfortable I would say you have a happy fat danio :lol:
  23. She said swum against the current, sounds strange for a betta didnt think they could swim too well lol. Sorry for your loss
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