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Everything posted by Bananalobster

  1. hey amazonian. they are apparently a hybrid by the name A. sp. "Steel Blue", made in singapore or something? Females being very difficult to find. Im still crossing fingers that I have a pair, the larger of the two is quite aggressive though. it may be because they are in a small 50x35x35 (by themselves) though. moving them to a larger 180L soon.
  2. Thankyou Jettin! Dont have a light for any plants sorted out yet but will have lots of terracotta pots, rocks and driftwood designed for these cave spawners. Would beach sand harden the water and/or make it sway to the higher end of the ph scale? have some leftover from my mbuna tank so thought I might be able to get away with using instead of buying extra. What do you think?
  3. Heya, yet another question... I was wondering if it would be possible to have a breeding pair of kribensis and a (possible) breeding pair of blue apistos in the same tank.. tank size would be 84cm L 44cm W 41cm H.. (Approx 160L-180L)? driftwood and lots of rocks for hideyholes provided.
  4. Hey all, just a little observation here... Everyones tank pictures have their heaters on funny angles.. I thought you had to have them straight up and down? Whats with that?? lol?
  5. Let me know if you get some fry to the sexable age hands.. would love to be one of the few with a pair.
  6. hmm whenever I let him out of the breeding trap and leave him I come back to find him cowering behind the sponge filter. When I put him back in it and feed him he eats like a pig so I dont think hes getting injured.. Yet. Maybe I should have stuck with the original cheaper idea of keeping kribensis lol. If anyone is looking for a female wonderworld aquarium reckons they get one in ten males.. None left now but maybe next time.
  7. Just them to in a 50cm L by 35cm W by 35cm H. double sponge filter and an internal at 150lph. Ive got him in a large breeding cage im a bit worried. I might just keep the one male and see if I can ask the petshop if I can have first dibs on any possible females being ordered in.
  8. hmm yes I did find that appisto site in my wonderings.. The smaller one was being kept behind the sponge filter when I woke up this morning Do you think I should wait it out a week or so and see if things settle down? I only got them yesterday.
  9. Thanks hands! Oh dam, I thought I got a pair but Im not sure.. The more colorful 'male' is shaking his body at the supposed 'female'.. Do males do this to eachother? He is keeping 'her' in a corner, which I didnt think was a good sign... 'she' has also got suspiciously pointy fins too, although not as bright, perhaps a younger less dominant male?
  10. Heres a better one, very much like this.. http://www.israquarium.co.il/Zmani/A.%2 ... 20blue.jpg
  11. Wait I found one kind of like it.. But it doesnt have a pointy face like this.. http://www.aquariumfish.net/images_01/a ... d_w240.jpg
  12. No camera sorry... Googled it but I cant find any pictures that look like what Ive got.
  13. Just went down to the lfs in Rotorua and they have some gorgeous little blueish dwarf cichlids... their name is Blue faced apisto... Read a post on this site about the issues with using the wrong names with these lil dudes.. Mine have wobbly blue stripes on their faces, blue sheen all over with a steel blue/grey body.. Any idea what they really are?
  14. Neat, thanks I might give it a go. Be nice to have a couple of open water fish to keep the tank nice and active.. Always wanted some tigerbarbs but I always had bettas in my tanks... Not a good mix I would say hehe.
  15. Oh okay.. amreican cichlids like acidic PHs though right? Not sure if it applies to me or not, seeing as mine like alkaline. Pity though theyre so pretty and playfull.
  16. I was reading a few of the posts on here and apparently it encourages the fish to come out a little more, mine hide sometimes when I have visitors and such. Just thought it might help.
  17. Is it possible to use tiger barbs as a dither fish for africans? They look nicer than rainbow fish I think.. Just wondering if their are other options, my tanks ph is 7.6 temp is 24 degrees.
  18. So when they have fry it wont be big enough? Oh well. I used to have a pair of kribs when my big tank was full of community fish. Gave them to other fishy keepers when i decided to go for some yellows though. Awesome little fish.
  19. hahaha my partner wont be happy to hear that!! I have a bigger tank with some electric yellows and I was going to use the little tank for the fry untill they got big enough to swap back to the petshop, but i just cant catch the holding mum to put her in the tank! Ive made a big rock wall along the back of the tank and siliconed it to make it safe. Bad idea
  20. Hello all, this is my first dumb question on this forum lol.... I have a spare tank that is about 60cm long, 40 cm wide and 40cm high... Is this big enough for a pair of kribs?
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