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Everything posted by A.PROPHECY

  1. i had one in my pond for about 3months then it got to cold one night and that was the end of him
  2. mines about 45cm and growing! hes tanks mates are 65-70cm silver arowana 45cm silver aro 2 large oscars large disticodus and some plecos
  3. haha sweet az ,seems im not the only one setting up a native tank then. lol i got all the good fishing spots
  4. yea up in the Witacks is wer i got my bullys from ,gona get some more natives next weeknd
  5. my cray hasent even tryd having a go at my bullys ,they just totaly ignor each other
  6. I had a HOB filter that got screwed after a power cut , it might have got a power surge or something and burned it out lol Need one of those surge protector things on your switch board, something like that anyway.
  7. lol so anyone got a positive id on the ones i got? would be cool to kno what they are :lol:
  8. tunnel webs aint the best at climbing, usuly stays on the ground like most of nz's larger spiders. best bet would be one of the sheetweb species. heres a link to some old picks of some of my spiders in my collection, ill get some updated picks of the collection when i get a chance thats an old 50cent coin in the pik just so you get an idea on the size http://s131.photobucket.com/albums/p314 ... CN1019.jpg http://s131.photobucket.com/albums/p314 ... CN1015.jpg
  9. nar they usuly hang in one corner , they dont charge the other fish much just puff up at the, sure if they get to close they wil get attacked but genraly everythn minds there own buisness it might be cause the oscars are the smallst fish in my tank lol
  10. ive got a breeding pair in with an aro, clownknife ,disicodus, and plecos no problems ay so you can keep a breeding pair with other fish ,as long as they can hold there own and you have a big enough tank
  11. you could just ask them ,im sure they will tell you
  12. one of my females enterd the males cave today was in there for awile an then the male chased her out haha fingers crossed ay :lol:
  13. haha sweet az lol if you decide to sell them lol let me kno ay


    sup cuz , yea good to meet ya too the L226 is nothing compared to the L134 colouration wise lol wel ges they have come in atleast once befor if there was one around ill just keep an eye out


    can we get L134's in nz?
  16. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 410823.htm thats the ones i got, what you think?
  17. mine are they orange/red looking ones :lol: lol sweet i wont mix them with any other shipments
  18. lol whole shrimp ,mussels , courgett, mixd veges, cichlid pellets, beef heart, shrimp pellets, flake , bloodworm, spirulina discs, crickets, lots of other insects and worms lol problt some other things i missd too
  19. can someone post some piks ov them just pick up six young ones and wondering what there gona turn into :lol:
  20. i own all those fish you listed all the same tank and they do great with each other
  21. lol i kno there not johanni! look nothing like them realy anyway im leaning towards hybrids then lol
  22. nar havent tryd a cichlid forum yet probly the next step lol i did a google search once on johanni and some of the pictures that came up wer of these fish lol dnt kno if that helps in any way lol
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