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Everything posted by Aqua

  1. Aqua

    Tiger Oscar

    hahaha I have a 48"x18"x18" tank, so big enough for one Oscar... Maybe I could start with other cichlids instead? I just want some bigger fish... It's all very nice having a shoal of fish, but I'd rather have a few BIG fish
  2. Aqua

    Tiger Oscar

    Hey guys - I'm considering replacing the contents of my tank with a Tiger Oscar, can someone give me more info on what they require? I've been searching on the 'net, but I find it's always better to get info from here! As a side to this question, if I decide to go through with this, I'll be having all the fish & plants displayed at www.nik.co.nz up for sale!!
  3. Aqua

    ID please?

    this was sold to me as an Amazon Sword, but I'm not too certain that's what it is... It was bought fully submersed, and has always been that way... The root structure is HUGE, as I found out when I had to move house a couple of months back! :lol: Can anyone give an edumacated guesstamite?
  4. Aqua

    Finding Nemo

    awwww Finding Nemo was SOOOOOOO CUTE!!! guys - you gotta see it!!! I'm so definatly getting the DVD when it comes out.. no matter how childish my bf thinks I am :lol:
  5. best bet would be to leave the UGF in... If you take it out, all the bugs that were growing underneath it will be set free, and you have mass fishicide happening... If you really really have to take them out, I think you'd need to completely strip the tank, and start from scratch, making VERY certain that the gravel has had a damned good wash/scrub etc... hope this helps
  6. Aqua

    Finding Nemo

    Brilliant!! http://www.vanaqua.org/pressroom/finding-nemo.html
  7. I know you can get Scats from Hollywood fish farms.. at least you could last time I was there.. they had a brackish tank...
  8. I was warned away from the bumblebee gobies from the crew at Hollywood Fish Farms, on the basis that I've got a male Betta splendens, and the bumblebee gobies are meant to be quite nippy...
  9. Aqua

    Black Hair Algae

    Yeah, Jansens Glenfield was talking about that product, but I got the impression it wasn't available yet - they'd trialed it earlier, and due to success, they're getting it in again I'm definately getting a bottle for storage!
  10. Aqua

    Finding Nemo

    are the clownfish that LFS stock here captured, or raised? If they're captured, then isn't there a possibility that there'll be a shortage of them in the wild??? :-?
  11. a tank the size of the East Tamaki Jansens! :lol: doesn't matter if it's undersized, it'll grow HUGE....
  12. if you try it again - you may want to try breeding the daughters to the father... instead of the mother to the sons... Sorry to put it in such 'human' terms, but it makes the most sense :lol: Not sure if it would help at all - just a thought
  13. unless you happen to have cuts on your hands/forearms.... I don't think there's any point risking it, is there?
  14. Aqua

    Black Hair Algae

    oh yes... and strangles all plants while it's at it
  15. Aqua

    Black Hair Algae

    Black Hair? You don't want it.... trust us!!!!!
  16. Neither do I. HOWEVER I have cuts on my hand at the moment, and there's no way I'm putting my hands in the tank to do the 'gardening' that needs to be done... Once my cuts have healed, THEN I'll do that... No sense in taking too things too far (with gloves etc), but no point in putting myself in the firing line!
  17. Aqua

    Black Hair Algae

    in a couple of words...: ç'est fantastique!!! It's completely gone! I believe it was the combination of the Flourish Excel & the SAE. I've almost finished the bottle actually... I was putting in 12 pipettes worth per day for the first week, now it's a capful per day, cause I dropped the pipette in the bottle :lol:
  18. bugger.. these won't load for me if you have a webpage you can upload them to, that'd be great!
  19. err - everything - plants/fish/CO2 test kits etc
  20. Hey guys - I went to the North Shore Club meeting last night, and went home with four new X-Ray tetras! :lol: And I didn't even get into any trouble with the bf!! Does anyone else keep these? I've had a brief search online, and there seems to be a reasonable amount of info on them, but I want first hand experience from NZ'rs!
  21. hehe that would rock...... pool hehe couldn't resist!
  22. hehe that would rock...... pool hehe couldn't resist!
  23. anticip......... ...... ...... ........ pation. even? :lol:
  24. hahah Chris - don't even think it!!! MASTER escape artists.... from memory, a 3 foot octopus can squeeze through a hole the size of a 10c piece...
  25. yeah, plenty of the little green anenomes, but they're in their own little holes, so getting them out would be more damaging than anything else.. Although.... the stone is soft, so with enough patience, you could carve the rock out around them! :lol: I thought sealettuce was a pest, and you're meant to report it to the council & destroy it ASAP? Or am I confused?
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