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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Here are a few more recent pics than the last lot taken... a few pics of our Frons and Fryeri tank mate. Also have placed a couple of pics at the end of the lot of Neolamp trets. Alto comp can't not have a pic taken (below) :roll: :lol: And lastly Neolamp trets... (Sorry for the blurred pics, despite their nasty nature with each other, they seem very camera shy) :lol: :lol: And a pain in the behind to get a decent pic of... :roll: :roll:
  2. Here's hoping you didn't unsettle the parents too much, good luck with your spawning, they are fantastic little fish.
  3. Bump the airation up to, to as much as you can.
  4. They could well be fry :lol: :lol: You may have sucked up relatively new borns
  5. I like the idea of peacocks.... some nice rich coloured peacocks would be nice... Reuben Red are nice 8)
  6. By all means, come and have a nosey when you are in the bay, we have some interesting bits and pieces here
  7. We have GBA youngsters and adults out in the shed along with alot of other species of fish, yet to give an update on photos and of breeding setups in shed 8)
  8. I will post a pic of our Tropheops that we purchased. They are very much Ps. tropheops. There is no comparison between the Ps tropehops and the Melonochromis family, totally different looking fish. I had Johanni that were here in the country for years... the true Johanni, I won't touch any so called Johanni that come into the country now days, too dodgy for my liking with what the suppliers send.
  9. Congrats on your new swag of youngsters, great stuff. We have a swag of the little critters to out in the fish shed, little fatties too :roll:
  10. Thanks snookie, it's good to be back.
  11. Hey guys So great to be back Had a few things crop up the last few months gone and a couple of things not so good... yet back on deck and have missed you guys so much
  12. Afrikan

    Heya guys

    Hi Guys I am finally back on board, have had alot come up in personal life in the past few months so havent been on deck. Finally back on tho and now things are all resolved I won't be leaving the forum anytime soon. Thanks to those that have sent me PMs... My email address is now [email protected] Looking forward to catching up with everyones fish news, and hope everyone has been fine and dandy. 8)
  13. We have orange lelu, pretty aggressive but not too bad.. we used to have the yellow variety however, our 8ft tank didn't do anything in regards to diffusing the aggressive situation :lol: They went looking for one another rather than staking their own territories :roll:
  14. My mother has a nice Golden Zebra Loach, and Pakistani if your friend is interested... really good size and nice and fat 8)
  15. Awww bummer Ryan :-? At least glad the Bolivians and Gold Saums responded well to treatment of that kind, wish it had of been that easy for your Blue Rams too huh :-?
  16. Some Lionheads would go in well with the Kribs, the Kribs being non rift lake.. they don't need the same requirements water parameter wise as Malawis... I reckon some Lionheads would be awesome amongst the rock work, they are also an African, but non rift lake also..... Oh and maybe a pantodon butterfly fish would look wicked 8)
  17. Ohhh cool pic! Awwwww Ambrocious!! First time I have seen him being used as a cushion lmao :lol: I still remember the time I let him out for a run in the spare room and I went into the room for something and he had climbed the alibaba basket and climbed inside hubby's jean jacket that was drapped over the basket and he popped his head out as I went past... gave me a hell of a fright :lol: :lol: He is looking as handsome as ever, how is his side kick doing?
  18. Hard case mince :lol: :lol: God they are gorgeous aye, I could sit watching my boy all day if I could :lol: I give mine a shallow bath in tepid water... he loves it, especially when he's shedding, I gently splash water over his back and he just basks in the water lapping up the attention...
  19. Oscars love to tug out plants.... they are a pretty curious fish and will mouth many things... when my big boy gets grumpy or sulky he tries to move a big river stone in his tank... gotta give him credit for trying :lol: :lol: But yeah long term Oscars and plants... hmmm pass :lol:
  20. Yeap as evil_elmo said, we kept half banded and peacock spineys together...
  21. Very cute Mrs Frog, he/she is gorgeous... When older females have the short claws as the others above said and females also a thin whispy tail compared to the male who has a longer and fat tail.
  22. Awww I love snakes, would love a Reticulated Python.... so beautiful... I guess it is a good thing they are not allowed here in NZ... however, if I ever moved overseas a snake would definately be a must in our household... :lol: Came across this pic.... wonder how comfortable that guy is :lol:
  23. rollergirl you will find Robocan at your nearest Mitre 10 store They sell the units and also sell refill cans, I think they roughly last 2 months... before you need to buy a new refill which costs around $20 or just over... 8)
  24. Yeap Jasmine, we have a friend who kept them in full marine when they got large... but they can be kept long term in brackish if desired... yet the freshwater is the stage that should be passed if people want to keep them for a lengthy period, they are such awesome critters, I love watching them chow down on water snails... 8) When we kept a brackish tank we did half freshwater, half saltwater... I am pretty sure the salinty for brackish is about 1.01 to 1.015... so easy to keep brackish too
  25. Yeah the ones that normally come in through the suppliers are brackish bumblebee gobies... and they are sold to the LFS being kept in freshwater, well they arrive from suppliers in freshwater so... :roll: They definately do alot better in brackish conditions and as Gannet said, they won't thrive in freshwater.... It's like when we kept the giant sailfin molly, they thrived so well and bred like nobodies in brackish... however, some keep them long term in freshwater and alot don't do so well.... Often they arrive from suppliers in freshwater and they often show signs of problems... Even the spotted puffer is brackish... yet so many people say they are ok in freshwater... however I have known rather a few that after a while they snuff it.... I remember reading an article in a TFH mag on the spotted puffer... and it was written by a puffer fish expert and he was saying that keepers should do best by the fish and keep them in their required conditions... that being brackish.... yet people still insist that freshwater is fine and dandy for them :roll: :roll: I happen to agree that fish should be kept in their required water conditions... makes for alot happier fish... maybe you should start a brackish tank, they are alot of fun!
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