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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Well gee... I just stumbled across this thread... it is amazing how paranoid some people got.... :roll: :lol: Sorry to be a bore but there was no conspiracy going on... :lol: I will say we had a couple of upsetting things happen personally within our family, but it had nothing to do with aliens...
  2. Have started another thread for the listing of peoples collection of plecs, called Individuals Plec Collections... And have pasted peoples lists in there, if they would like to post their lists again, then go for it and then let me know and I will delete the posts I have made with their info.
  3. Simian's lot: Common name:Common Ancistris Scientific Name:Ancistrus sp. (3) L number: Male #'s: 2 Female #'s: 6 Juvie #'s: 50ish Successfully bred:y Common name:GBA Scientific Name:Ancistrus sp. (3) L number: Male #'s: 1 Female #'s: 1 Successfully bred:y
  4. natscat lot: Common name: Sunshine Scientific Name: Scobinancistrus aureatus L number: 14 Male #'s: Not sure Female #'s: Not sure Successfully bred: N Common name: Scarlet Scientific Name: Pseudacanthicus sp. L number : 25 Male #'s: Not sure Female #'s: Not sure Successfully bred: No Common name: Mango Scientific Name: Baryancistrus sp. L number: 47 Male #'s: Not sure Female #'s: Not sure Successfully bred: N Common name: Maccus Scientific Name: Panaque maccus L number: 104, 162, LDA22 Male #'s: 1 Female #'s: 0 Successfully bred: N Common name: Dull-eyed Royal Scientific Name: Panaque sp. L number: 191 Male #'s: Not sure Female #'s: Not sure Successfully bred: N Common name: Green Phantom (HF) Scientific Name: Baryancistrus demantoides L number: 200 Male #'s: Female #'s: 2 Successfully bred: Common name: Titanic Panaque Scientific Name: Panaque sp. L number: 203 Male #'s: Not sure Female #'s: Not sure Successfully bred: N Common name: Blue fin Panaque Scientific Name: Ancistrini sp. L number: 239 Male #'s: 1 (I think) Female #'s: 1 (I think) Successfully bred: N Common name: Butterfly Scientific Name: Dekeyseria brachyura L number: 168 Male #'s: 0 Female #'s: 1 Successfully bred: N Common name: Tapajos Royal Pleco Scientific Name: Panaque sp. cf. nigrolineatus`tapajos` L number: 27 Male #'s: 1 Female #'s: 0 Successfully bred: N Common name: Queen Arabesque Scientific Name: Hypancistrus sp. L number: 260 Male #'s: 1 Female #'s: 0 Successfully bred: N 1 x Albino Gibby and some GBA’s
  5. So far: The cONCh's lot: Can I just give you a link to mine on PlanetCatfish? Some of the aquisition dates are guesses - I've had them a long time and didn't really take note of exactly when I bought them: http://www.planetcatfish.com/forum/my_cats.php?username=tHEcONCH&task=keeper Wave your mouse over the names and a picture should appear.
  6. Ok guys, here is the thread, will transfer whatever lists that are on the other thread to here... Fire away and list your bristly lot :lol: Common name: Scientific Name: L number Male #'s Female #'s Successfully bred Y/N
  7. Maybe the list of peoples plecs could be split into another thread on the same catfish topic thread? Better idea? That way, there can be a discussion on the brazil banning on this one, and other for individuals listed species??
  8. Just a little reminder to keep this thread friendly please guys... little niggles amongst each other on the thread is not going to be overly inviting for others to share on the same thread.... 8)
  9. :lol: :lol: Welcome to the forum greatmoojin.... 8)
  10. Yep and reasonable sized particles in the water can damage the UV bulb also and shorten the life span.... (apparently according to literature I was reading)... there is conflicting thoughts tho on different info on net..
  11. Yeah it does matter, definately should be inline to the canister output.
  12. Neat pics 8) Gotta love the Birchirs...
  13. You put the UV on the output of your canister.
  14. To be honest with you Dixon, and we keep rather a few external canisters... I can't stand fluval, I think they are overated and overpriced... we have run the CF Aqua One range and they have been much more robust and reliable and far more efficient with filtration.
  15. Some of our babies of the household.... Freshwater Beefcake - Big Red Oscar Freddy - Fire Eel Bert - Alpha male Frontosa George - Male Chocolate Cichlid Mildred - Female Chocolate Cichlid Marines Eric - Koran Angel Snoop - Niger Triggerfish Puff Daddy - Stars and Stripes Pufferfish Buckley - Bird Nose Wrasse All our fish are special, but some you can't help but name... :lol:
  16. Awwww very cute.... I love watching our broods of peacock babies in the grow out tubs... and love watching them school together, whizzing around the tubs... Have a fair few Jacobs in grow out at the moment :roll:
  17. Sorry to hear about your loss..
  18. welcome to the forums yeeahboy... 8) I have left your piranha thread here in the rare and unusual fish section and deleted the other threads on the same topic that you placed in two other sections... so just incase you notice they are gone, that is why. Just pays to post the inquiry in once section, as that is all that is needed, most members here will see your inquiry as they surf so many sections There are pirahna in NZ, however, only at places with permits ie National Aquarium.
  19. Afrikan

    Yay for SAEs!

    Yeah they often do get lazy when they get to a large size and they also get lazy if you feed them oh tooooo well :lol: Love the name BAM btw :lol: Just a note on the BAM cleaning products, we have found them excellents here for bathroom use.. 8)
  20. I am rapt that they are putting the pleco banning scheme thing forward... so they should look after what is theirs.
  21. :lol: very much so whetu.. As of now, the pair are side by side travelling everywhere together... where one goes the other follows, however, still the larger clown loach is not allowed to join them... maybe the old twos company, threes a crowd thing :lol:
  22. Isolation can work.... we have been there and done that ourselves with a particular large cichlid we had who decided to step up a knotch in attitude... solitary confinement may just do the trick for your boy... however there is always the chance that when settled back in he may try the old dominance thing again..... and if so it then sounds like you need to get another tank :lol: You could also try changing a few things around in the tank also before you pop him back, or while he is still in there and see if that makes a difference.
  23. Afrikan


    We have a HRV recently installed, and it's the best thing we have bought in ages.... even tho we have lidded tanks inside, we have the 8ft and another large tank in lounge, moisture still gets drawn which is to be expected... yet we have NO condensation now since the installation... Our HRV system comes with a heating option also... (of course extra cost on top of usual straight forward system cost). We haven't had to use the heating option. Our house is so much different now we have it installed, I have heard so much good feedback in regards to dust mites and mould being eliminated also due to the fact that they need a certain humidity to survive in a house, and having an HRV reduces that particular percentage of humidity, so neither survives. Anyway, that's just our experience with the HRV. Definately has killed the condensation problem.
  24. Welcome to the forums AliceB 8)
  25. It was amazing to watch, my clowns have never shown a dominance thing (well not up until now), and the group has never been split up until now, they have always lived harmoniously in their little group of 3. It's a pain in the butt I wasn't able to get it all on footage, as before I was able to grab the cam, they were spiralling around in the water of which is a normal thing for alot of loaches, however the two were entwined almost rubbing bodies together and shimmering constantly in between. As of this morning, the biggest clownloach out of the group is still nigel nomates...
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