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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Nimbochromis_freak: At what size did yours start showing the yellow colouring? Keeping an eye on our ones, so far no yellow.. just wondered what stage they developed it? We have our Frons in with Julido, a Lelu and a Alto Comp... Our Frons don't seem to be shy at all, they are starting to meet us at the front of the tank when we are near.. however, they are in the big tank in the lounge and its the busiest part of the house so they probably condition themselves to it :lol:
  2. Great tank Antwan, love the natural wood look, looks like a forest floor only under water
  3. Afrikan

    Leleupi fry

    Hiya Billaney Ours are showing signs, I think you sell oversexed fish! :lol: :lol: The only thing that has halted them is the fact that now the big Tang tank was ready for its new occupants, we have now moved the Lelus into the big display bow front. Once the rock work is complete tho, I'm pretty sure they will be at it :lol:
  4. Afrikan

    Leleupi fry

    Awesome 8) Congrats on the Lelu fry! Would love to see some pics when she makes her way out again :lol:
  5. Congrats on the spawning And its about time a female has the chance to skive off :lol: Males are normally the masters of that :lol:
  6. We have 9 in the 8fter, definately males and females which we are pretty happy about, they certainly are a hard case! :lol: Like little missiles.. and rock magnets :lol:
  7. I think just keeping and raising some alone will be stimulating enough Not sure why people would be set on seeing them for money making scheme, I think things are only worth as much as someone is willing to pay for them, and in this case, we have spent thousands on the Frons, them alone and set up :lol: Just the enjoyment in having them on display is what counts, well for us anyway
  8. Just means that we all have to make the most of what we have available here... definately beautiful fish all the same, and I'm just so thankful to have had the opportunity to get some I'm sure all the new Frons owners are
  9. LOL You can only but try :lol: I think most of us fishkeepers need therapy from time to time :lol:
  10. As far as I know they are not on the lists anymore, and to be honest, they are definately a fish that I would want orders for if I had a LFS, not the easiest to shift because of the nature that they are :lol:
  11. In all honesty I don't think I would put them in with anything, I have read they can also take on oscars and do damage, nasty nashers. Is there any place you can get more? The ones down this way are in on their own (as in seperate species tank) Mekhaela
  12. Afrikan

    Paradise Fish

    They go in nicely with Geo Jurapari and Suris
  13. Currently have some in a Hastings LFS.. after doing some reading up on them, they get to around the 7 inch mark, and it pays to have them in a large group, the smaller the group the more Pirahna like they become towards one another :lol: http://species.fishindex.com/species_66 ... tetra.html After watching them out at the shop, they seem a busy fish, who is continuously looking for trouble in the tank :lol: They have them in on their own, would definately pay to :lol: They are capable of drawing blood when they reach a good size also apparently :lol: Mekhaela
  14. That would be more than enough space for them..
  15. Another thing I learnt after taking pics, pays to clean the front of your tank before taking snaps :roll: :lol:
  16. Thanks guys, still have a wee way to go before it really starts looking like I imagine it to look with time :lol: Heres a pic of our sulky Comp Alto, who has finally joined his tank mates, took a couple of pics after he had been put in the tank, no matter how grumpy he looks, hes rather placid and laid back :lol: We brought him a wee while ago now, and he was the most sickly skinny looking fish, so got a discount on him, as he had been in the shop rather a long time, so took him home and fed him up and hes slowly but surely growing... The lips are just starting to go blue Lelu checking out the arrival Everyone has to be nosey...
  17. I have my lot in the 8fter for now, so it more or less gives them enough territory or at least space to scuttle off to if things get a bit heated :lol:
  18. Oh darn :-? Do you only have the trans in the tank rcon?
  19. Afrikan

    Paradise Fish

    I wouldn't recommend community as in tetras etc, but then people may have them and they are fine?? I had a whole heap that I raised outside... when I finally brought them inside and acclimatized them to warm water I noticed the warmer it got for them the more attitude they have lol I held that lot in my Geo tank before they went to people. The females are definately smaller and plumper, males being larger, brighter and fins are a dead give away.
  20. Here is a pic of our 8ft tank (still a wee bit to do)... have had it cycling for rather sometime. Still have to clad front and side in Rimu tongue and groove. (Need the plug ups underneath tidying up to) :lol: Tank was made by Peter from Port Nicholson Glass in Wellington, fabulous guy and really makes a beautiful job on his tanks, beautiful siliconing job.. really makes a difference! Hubby and a mate gave it a go getting it inside by themselves and after a whole heap of huffing and puffing and getting it up onto the deck and into the lounge, they managed :lol: Had my heart in my mouth lol It's 8ft (900 litres), and has double thickness 10mm glass bottom aswell. We are running 2 x Aqua One 2400 external filters on the tank and since the pic we now have 4 x 4 foot Aqua One lights. Still a way to go but getting there... At least past step one (cycling tank) lol Just going to plug away quietly (at least the expensive part is over) Currently for now it has our young Frons and Julido and a Lelu who actually thinks hes a Fron, been with the baby Frons since he was a little nipper himself.. We currently only have 3 large rock formations for the fish, already the Frons have tagged their own areas lol Didn't take them long.... Pic of tank (not a good pic had only one old light on tank) Pic of the Frons within one big rock formation.. And with their Yellow mate who has an identity crisis :lol: Will get some update pics with new lightening, just awaiting arrival on new bulbs for fittings, unfortunately fittings came with pink bulbs :-? :lol:
  21. I managed to get a pic of two males squabbling over a love interest.. The female is certainly interested in a love match, and seems she has made her choice :lol: She has all right signs of showing interest to so fingers crossed
  22. Glad your Peacock is doing fine... I had one of Jurapari do that once, he was one KOed fish, luckily he was ok Mekhaela
  23. Neat large stones in the tank dogmatix.. heres hoping the Peacocks have done their thing for you already :lol: Mekhaela
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