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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Sponge filters are awesome, would never be without them
  2. Definately go with what Caryl says.. A filter already running is a great idea, when we ran our 8fter in with brand new filters, I actually cycled the tank with a few young fish that I bred... they were fine and dandy.
  3. Yeah he does hide, but I see him more often than I thought I would, he is a guts for food that's for sure :lol: Day and night!!
  4. I have a Chocolate Talking Catfish, they are awesome cats, and I have mine in with fancy dwarf Plecs and had mine in with a Spiney Eel and previously a Tyre Track Eel I would be so tempted to have another Choc Cat, however, they can be territorial towards their own species alot of the time. They are real special!
  5. *Hands Gannet a tissue*
  6. Yeap you are probably right there, and we have rather a few peacocks that do, and I love them ALOT, however, I love the look of the Red Dragon also, and they are going to be in a display tank, so that is all that matters to me really
  7. Awesome stuff! Keep up the good work
  8. Glad ya caught the guppies in action in time Keep us posted on their progress :bounce:
  9. Thanks Tropheus - How did you find the link? I had been searching for ages and didn't come across anything barring a UK website supplier of them, however his ones look a little different to the ones that he has his on his website.. Are the Red Dragons known as Gold Peacock Hybrid also?
  10. Good point on the Electric Blues... thats what we did with our lot, got a fair few, in our 6fter we have 3 males who have dominant colouring, the rest of the males, just the silver dull colour... so will eventually weed them out... Definately frequent water changes if the wet and dry is going to be the only use of filtration, have had smaller similar set up used as a holding tank for smaller Malawi and frequent water changes were a must and kept a close eye on water parameters..
  11. The Aqua One wet and dry trickle aren't too bad in those tanks, they are adequate, however, they are not a heavy duty filtration... I wouldn't stock that many (when full size) in a Aqua One 6ft without any other form of filtration
  12. Oh what a bugger... :-? I have a big Aqua One also and I wouldn't consider having it as an African tank without extra filtration... The hood filters are ok, but I don't think they are adequate enough.. JMO
  13. I believe there is a little ant that needs squashing...... :lol:
  14. Did he not get the cabinet with the tank?
  15. I'm stumped Rogan :lol: :lol:
  16. That's the 6ft model.. reasonable size but I would also run externals underneath.. IMO. The hood filters are a good fall back, but definately recommend some sort of external underneath, more filtration the better
  17. With size tank, it would all depend on filtration and and size of fish he is wanting in the long run etc And Rogan, this is a an African thread.. so pipe down small change haha :lol:
  18. I love the S. fryeri for Blue, but thats just personal preference :lol:
  19. Ahhhh ok Well there are plenty to choose from huh! :lol: Peacocks are always an asset to a nice display tank... :lol: Decisions.. :bounce:
  20. Your customer wasn't meaning the Red Zebra was he/she? Maylandia estherae... aka Metriaclima estherae and previously Pseudotropheus estherae Just a thought... Mekhaela
  21. Congrats! :bounce: Sending you a heap of *good luck raising vibes* Mekhaela
  22. Yeah I noticed on an overseas site about the thought of Hybrid, but there is not confirmation whether they are or aren't (yet)..
  23. Hi Mincie Best of luck, hope you get it all sussed out I am pretty unsure how micro chipping works.. wouldn't it need a radar type system to track a micro chipped animal down? Excuse my ignorance with the micro chipping thing but I thought they were identified by scanning... :oops: :lol:
  24. Hi Mincie When we had our tortoise we were looking into getting him micro chipped, it can definately be done, we have one vet here that I am pretty sure micro chips reptiles I think if it's a pet that really is irreplaceable ( of which I think every pet is, as you said they have their own personalities and quirks) :lol: and there is the fear of it being stolen, then its definately worth doing.. however, if ever stolen.. then it's the case of tracking the animal down to prove it's yours in the first place huh :roll:
  25. Thanks for that God it was so hard finding info on these things, especially when they came in with a common name as usual, (no Sci name attached) :lol: The pic definately looks like what has come in Thanks so much once again.. Mekhaela
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