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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Awsum guys! My new Peacocks are breeding already!! :bounce: Hubby got me 10 Dragon Blood Peacocks for Xmas/Birthday combined pressie, got them early however :lol: , and the dominant male has chosen his squeeze already! :lol:
  2. Well thanks for that Amazonian, that was a memory refresh on what was on the list..... Already have two species of Plecs on the list, and they are just gorgeous! Have a Merry Xmas people
  3. What an awesome Xmas present :lol: , couldn't think of anything better than finding newbies in the tank or in my case, in my African females mouths :lol: And even tho I have had a heap of babies born in the past, every time is still as exciting as the first :lol: Awesome stuff! :bounce:
  4. Afrikan

    Not Happy

    Mincie.. you been reading those Fairy Tale books again? :lol: SMC - What a great offer to tank swap, thats really kind of you 8) Bet your rapt Jasmine, and I hope you can make the most of the Xmas period, it certainly can be a lonely time for some, but with your good news on tank swap, it must cheer you up some
  5. LOL @ peanuts :lol: :lol: IOU - No zebra plecos unfortunately :lol: I can't quite remember what was on the list, as I was in a rush.. but I definately would have remembered Zebra Plecs if they had of been on there :lol: What I did see was stunning anyway
  6. I saw the list last week, they look fabulous! Roll on January :lol: :lol: Mekhaela
  7. Afrikan


    I can imagine :lol: I saw a young Pictus recently in a half terracota pot in a tank and it was going around and around in circles within this pot, hilarious, I did wonder if someone had poured a touch of vodka in the tank :lol:
  8. Afrikan


    Hiya Yeah that's the problem when you see them in alot of LFS, they are washed out looking often, mine were like that when I bought them and they are so beautifully coloured, however, they are in a well planted tank and are as happy as larry
  9. Afrikan


    Great stuff, bet you are rapt! A fish that I love, that often gets overlooked is the Columbian Tetra, we have tank with a school of Columbians, and the blue bodies with the crimson red finnage is out of this world... I have often seen them in the shops, but they have been on a very light substrate, so of course doesn't do them justice at all, they are a reasonable size tetra to, nothing that will get scoffed at a blink of an eye :lol: Mekhaela
  10. No worries They are certainly a catfish thats full of personality and their stomachs come first :lol:
  11. Ohhhhhh cute Mincie! Are you going to name them with Xmas theme, maybe after Santas reindeers
  12. Afrikan

    my new fry.

    That would be a real excitement, not knowing and watching what it turns out to be.. keep us posted
  13. Yeah good question :lol: When they are younger they have much more of a silver/pearly look, and as they mature they go a more of a dark grey in colouring and some almost muddy in colouring.. apparently these have been bred in captivity to
  14. Google "Pearl Mystus Catfish" and do a bit of surfing to see if yours match what pops up They go more so a dark grey in colouring as they mature.
  15. Pretty quick growth thats for sure.. :lol:
  16. Oh and the National Aquarium here in Napier have some, and they are large and real fatties :lol:
  17. Hiya The Pearl Mystus grow large enough to become a pesky fish chomper, so definately not "community" material :lol: The net states they get to around the 15cm mark, but we have one thats around the 22 cm odd mark.. and definately loves the food :lol: Beautiful fish, great catfish for the larger cichlid tank.. Mekhaela
  18. That's going to look awesome, those Windsors are awesome tanks.. looking forward to seeing progress pics
  19. Afrikan

    new discus

    Oh yes I saw those on the list!!! *drool* :lol: To still have a discus tank..... *sigh* :lol: Great looking fish, bet you rapt with them!
  20. We have all 3 of our big African tanks with Aragonite, we rinsed it as thoroughly as we could, and ran it in the tank, filters definately cleared what cloudiness there was in no time
  21. Afrikan

    Not Happy

    Yikes I would contact the seller and at least bring it to his/her attention, (probably an honest error in measurement) hope he/she will at least be fair about the situation... Good Luck! Mekhaela
  22. Thanks for the input over the Frons Frenchy, much appreciated 8) I have been keeping an eye on our lot, and haven't noticed any yellow colouring in the dorsal of our lot, so will be interesting to see if any develop it. Mekhaela
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