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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Whoops :oops: How could I forget.. :oops: 4 White Whiptails 8 Otos
  2. Congrats! :bounce: I think Corys look so adorable spawning, buzzing all over the place :lol:
  3. Whoops :oops: How can it be a reflection when both loaches are facing opposite ways.. DUH! :lol: :lol:
  4. I thought Alan was correct with 11 in the last pic, one I am pretty sure is a glass reflection :lol: Or is my eye sight shot to? :lol:
  5. I will go with 12?? Surely there was one who didn't get his mug in the shot? :lol: :lol:
  6. I am not in favour of text language either, infact, it is so common now that I am sure it's going to be seen as a different language! I think as long as it is kept within texting then fine, actually I have shortened texts alot in the past if I am in a hurry etc, but unfortunately it is seeping out into other things. A lady I know, who is a teacher, she told me that now kids are starting to use it in English etc at schools... Shame really, we were gifted with ability to have a language to communicate with one another, why ruin it? I am by far not perfect with punctuations at times, use alot of commas when maybe there should be a full stop....??? but then again, I talk away and don't often have full stops in my speech anyway :lol: :lol:
  7. 1 x Chocolate Talking Cat 1 x Upside Down Cat 1 x Dwarf Marble Cat 1 x Vermiculated Cat 2 x Lace Catfish 2 x Peru Black Cats 1 x Ocellifer 1 x Bumblee Bee Cat 1 x Dwarf Hara Hara 3 x Hoplos Plecs.. 1 x Leopard Spot 1 x Red Spot 1 x Bruno Plec 3 x Flash Plecs (L204) 4 x Iquito Tiger (L226) 2 x Bristle Nose 5 x GBA's Corys.. (schools) Sterbai Bronze Green Emerald Albino Heaps of feeding :lol: :lol:
  8. Afrikan

    New Tank

    Love that substrate! Major fan here! :lol: We have a beautiful piece of bogwood in our Malawi, however, we have substrate and rock work as buffer.... That looks great, and yeap backing would be great for the tank, and second what Frenchy said, fish would possibly feel more secure and at ease Keep us updated on tank! Mekhaela
  9. How bigger cichlids are you talking? Terracotta pots are fine, actually they are brilliant for spawning little Apistos etc.. I even had my chocolate cichlids spawning on top of a large one.. it's the only thing they will spawn on. I like the more natural look for tanks, and love the slate or schist.. or there is always a way of using tank safe driftwood to.
  10. Demasoni?? I have Demasoni fry that my female spat a few days ago, and they are growing rapidly.. She spat 12 for her first time, over the moon! They were a reasonable size to, I am so surprised she could carry them all! I have since put her back with the colony, the next morning I turn the lights on the tank and hello, another Demasoni holding (only a smaller female) :lol: :lol: One species I do find streets ahead with growth... is the Johanni, mine rocket with size.. Mekhaela
  11. Beautiful fish Hands.. I have tried to take some photos of my Apisto young but unfortunately they didn't turn out too well :-? Isn't that right Antwan?? :lol: :lol: One would have sworn I had a new species.. Apistogramma sp. BLUR! :lol:
  12. What gorgeous little ones.. :lol: Good Luck *fingers crossed* here for ya
  13. Great stuff Can't wait to see some pics with your discus in their new tank
  14. Thanks Tropheus, I have just recently joined that site, awesome place
  15. That's fair enough lol I have his hidey place rather visible in the tank, but he does come out and about, and I have a setting on the tank at night, where I lower the lights and just have pink bulb on and he loves sneaking out to snatch the cubes of blood worms, this one isn't shy at all really.. I know it does take them a while to settle into the tank, I wouldn't be without Berty really haha
  16. Afrikan

    Hi guys

    Welcome Karly
  17. I myself love the English accent, could listen to it for hours... (over any other) especially cockney slang, like music to my ears :lol: My dad was english and he used to spout off the dodgy lymerics, hilarious and so entertaining :lol:
  18. Yep you are right there Gannet... 8) the model number reflects the length of all the Aqua One, like the R2 150 is 1.5 metres etc
  19. I have 8 Otos in my plant tank.. beautiful little critters always seem to be at work :lol: They are more so delicate as a fish, however, the last lot of Otos that came in before the most recent lot were a real fat decent size, was really impressed..
  20. :lol: :lol: And that's Warren sober...
  21. Hmmm 30-ish tanks in a house.. hmmm I might just see his point :lol: But a nice Aqua One slotted in somewhere might not make too much of a difference
  22. Yes especially when you were on a roll of lecturing Ants lmao :lol: :lol:
  23. Go in for the kill Keri Anne and lay the law down! :lol: That's what I would do if I had to.. my other half just rolls his eyes and lets me get on with it, but the odd time that he balks at an idea, I don't like it... I think you could call it SWS - Spoilt Wife Syndrome :lol: had to work at it to get there tho
  24. Don't you mean word not work Ants hehehehehe :lol:
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