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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Yeah she probably wants to get the practice in to make perfect
  2. Glad all is ok I have had a peacock female hold 2 pebbles in her mouth while carrying her brood, all was well.
  3. Awesome stuff Paul Never did manage to see the little blighters.. they were so quick! :lol: to getting pics as good as those, I can't even take a good pic of my Columbians, and they are nowhere near as quick as those rasboras :lol:
  4. Hmm weird huh :-? I guess it would be really hard to determine physically... Has she only started showing interest in breeding? Or has she done it often?
  5. Wonder if she isn't cable of laying Kribkrazy? Possibly she may not have developed in that area? Either that or shes a flirt and a hold out :lol: Or maybe she is just a very PRETTY male
  6. Afrikan

    My new tank

    Awesome! Aren't they great little fish. Keep us posted.. I just had a female spit over 12 (thought there was 12, but after a count up, saw more than 12 out of rockwork, so unsure the total) Have more holding..
  7. Yeah I have a little guy.. Thought why not, they are such nuggety looking little dudes, had mine a wee while, different lot, the one you have would have come in on the wild caught recent consignment probably They were listed as Pretty Peckoltia
  8. Looks exactly like my little guy, clown Plec
  9. Kribs are from Nigeria region (Africa)... 8) We keep both Malawi and Tanganyikan.. Marleri Red Peacock Yellow Nyasa Peacock Royal Blue Nyasa Peacock Rubin Red Peacock Dragon Blood Peacock Red Kandango Giraffe Haps Blue Dolphin Malawi Eye Biter Sulphur Crested Cichlid Electric Blue fryeri Electric Yellows Ps. Demasoni Ps. Kenyi Johanni Frontosa Julidochromis transcriptus Julidochromis marlieri Daffodil Pulcher Brichardi Leleupi Altolamprologus compressicep Non Lake Lionhead Cichlid That's about it off the top of my head
  10. They sound quieter under load, we don't use them inside, but they are ok in a fish shed (We are using them in our fish shed when done)
  11. Your vaccum sounds like an old war horse :lol: Sorry Rogan, I can't compete with her .. her crows feet are much more advanced than mine However, I am sure you will make a great couple You will need my address to send the wedding invitation to :lol: :lol:
  12. I said men Rogan, not boys :lol:
  13. LMAO :lol: :lol: So did you hear some interesting noises come from your vaccum? lol Oh so men do multi task? Gee you must be one of a kind.. :lol:
  14. Oh those must be the Albino Snow Yellows?.. haven't seen them yet. There has been a wee bit of talk lately about guppies coming in and being rather thin.
  15. We have rather a few frosts here, so much that I can't grow hibiscus or anything like that, because of them... :lol: Paradise been in such cold water that it hurts to put your hand in and they have been fine and dandy...
  16. So he has table manners then Gannet being captive bred? :lol: What do you feed him?
  17. I keep Paradise Fish outside all year round, and it can get mighty cold even here in Hawkes Bay in winter, and haven't lost one, and boy do they get huge on that ongoing supply of live food that lands in their trough 8)
  18. :lol: Looking forward to the pic
  19. Apparently it was meant to sit for 2 weeks and then water tested... We brought it home and water tested it, that was fine, but the one of the seals let go and YIKES :lol: Glad the noise of the externals running dry woke me up otherwise we would have had a whole heap of dead central americans the next morning to wake up to
  20. He didn't cure the tank for long enough, we were lead to believe that the tank had been sitting there for the stipulated amount of time... :-? :lol:
  21. Hahaha :lol: :lol: You getting old Mincie, with that memory loss aye 8) Oh and SpidersWeb I can only imagine the hose snaking around the room.. :lol: :lol: We have had just under 700 litres through our house, when our 6ft tank blew out in the early hours of the morning... :-? :lol: My whole linen cupboard was stripped over every single towel.. But it was a case of bugger the floor, grab the fish! Luckily it was BEFORE we had our new carpet laid.. The tank maker didn't read the new brand silicon instructions properly! :lol:
  22. Just thought I would share a pic of my Jurupari pair, currently doing up their new 5ft tank... they have spawned for me not that long ago, and eggs looked A1, but unfortunately a tank mate of theirs got to them before I did.. :-? :lol: I have 6 Jurupari all up 8) So who else keeps Geo? Surely there are more fans out there Please share, and pics would be awesome to!..
  23. So true Mincie.. I have lost count on how many times I have spilt water... luckily tho, it's hit carpet :lol:
  24. They just need good filtration Good luck with your search.. Depending on what sort of price you want to pay.. the smaller Plecs are good (well the ones we have) they don't touch the plants.. do their job on the glass and rocks etc, just not interested in the plants which is a good thing... Flash Plecs and Iquitos we have.
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